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Seems odd to me that as a psychologist youd sound so judgemental. This Wednesday, we will hear the sentencing of disgraced pastor Jack Schaap, who has pleaded guilty to having sex with an underage girl who attended his church. A look through its contents reveals plenty of cringe-inducing behaviors. She recounts her mother spending a great deal of time with Hyles. HYLES WOULD CONSTANTLY FOCUS ON HIMSELF IN HIS SERMONS, MUCH MORE THAN GOD. 2. Pastors School begins Monday, March 15, and closes with this gigantic, super colossal historic gathering on March 18.. 866-295-4143, fbns@wayoflife.org. He had a hollow-eyed stare, an inability or desire to talk with any adult, an extreme submissive behavior, and he never wanted to go home when he visited certain homes. Schaap pleaded. Schaap, on a regular basis, severely criticized men older than himself in staff meetings before their friends and peers. Hyles shared stories that motivated people to put the work of the Lord first, even if their families were sick or injured. She said that she confronted Dave Hyles about his serial adultery. She said Dave Hyles did not hesitate for a second and gave this answer: Great men have great needs!. A statue of he and his wife was made in honor of him at HAC. But not believing it can have a significant impact on our lives. Jack A Scharp, Jack A Schaap and Jack Allan Schaap are some of the alias or nicknames that Jack has used. My heart breaks for Mrs. Schaap on so many levels. [VIDEO] Drag Queen Drag Shows Are Now Infesting Churches, [VIDEO] Starbucks Worker Dumps Milkshake On Open Air Preachers Head, [VIDEO] Man Arrested For Threatening To Kill Female Abolitionist With Crowbar. She said that other women that he was having affairs with would come to her and confess that they were sleeping with him. I have included news web links and resources for each person as evidence for the charges made by each of these criminals. Do you see how dangerous this Hyles doctrine is? (Witnesses: Voyle Glover p 93; Linda Hyles Murphrey 4:22, 4:42; Paula Hyles Polonco Part 2 3:20 Book Interview p 383). He preached that Fundamentalism and Americas IFB pastors would rise and fall because of him. I believe this overwhelmingly justifies the allegations I present. The church has refused to begin a process of church investigation or church discipline. He clearly espoused the Catholic doctrine of praying for the dead. 4 of these criminals were honored by IFB Pastors and/or IFB organizations even after the allegations came out. Jesus did not become the God/man when he came to earth, he has always been the God/man. They preached from that pulpit, calling the members who left the church over this scandal, evil, vile, and Satan worshipers. Jack Schaap, the inestimably creepy pastor who was fired from his sermonizing gig at the First Baptist Church in Hammond, Indiana last summer after church members discovered he was having a sexual . Hyles installed a personal private phone in Jennies bedroom. What are you qualifications to write about all churches views on divorce? ABOVE) ARE FULL OF DUNG UNLESS &-OR UNTIL YOU ALL GET +++BORN-AGAIN+++ SPIRITUALLY ACCORDING TO THE TRUE KING JAMES HOLY BIBLE ala ST. JOHN CHAPTER THREE (3) VERSES 1-16 ! Many women have ignored their responsibilities as a wife and mother and have hurt their families as a result. You dare willfully sin and advocating against the faith of little ones? Look Juju, why are you called after an African god? Next we are not to judge another mans servant. Dave took a church members wife, Brenda Stevens, with him to Illinois, and was in a scandal regarding the violent abuse and death of her baby. He told her that Christ wants to marry them and for them to become eternal lovers. On today's program, we have updates on the situation at Grove City College. I fear my wife far more than I do God. They whizzed me through the Scriptures, and kept asking, do you believe? He has unobstructed access to teenage girls at the church. After many years of hearing accusations by many witnesses in FBCH and being an eyewitness himself to what went on, he decided to research and investigate so much of the apparent corruption that went on at FBCH under Hyles, and as an attorney trained to scrutinize the evidence, he found the accusations about Hyles to be true. Jack Hyles would preach specific messages that would deflect the heat he was getting from all the allegations regarding his son. There are 55 individual eyewitness testimonies to confirm the following allegations below: Most of the witnesses were members of FBCH and/or HAC graduates or former students. If youre not with us, were blue, Oh Preacher we love you. There is video evidence of these girls singing this to him from the link in the eyewitness evidence section. She was in his office before and after every service. He was one of 4 child molesters who temporarily found safe harbor at this church. So why would he financially back the continual separation of Vic and Jennie, encouraging them the live in a state of rebellion? Samson was so dedicated to God that when he made some stupid mistake (adultery), God said I need the fella too much to put him on the shelf. Schaap, 54, was fired from First Baptist Church in Hammond on Tuesday after 11 years in the pulpit, . The thinking goesGod hates divorce and God intends for marriage to be between one man and one woman for life. He put a young girl, named Arlene, on display during the sermon as a visual aid, He talked about the high priest entering the holy temple. Jack Hyles also financed the wave of intimidation on the victims families. No church discipline was taken with Wilson. As most of you know, Jack Schaap, former pastor of First Baptist Church, Hammond, Indiana, is serving a 12 year sentence in federal prison for having sexual relations with a minor. for 11 years. Hyles boldly preached that he cared for the children of FBCH and the schools that were under his church. According to him, Jesus has always been human before the universe was created. This person recounted how her father was reported by a neighbor for child abuse. Almighty and everlasting humanity will thrust you into eternal suffering, the final judgement deemed worthy for your Doublespeak Love. 2) Mark Foeller and Timothy Leonard of North Sharon Baptist Church, a deacon and an associate pastor who where charged with molesting several young boys. Nicholson has earned hundreds . But his excuses riled federal prosecutors, who countered by filing a 23-page response that revealed previously withheld details of the disgraced 55-year-old pastors actions. Everyone gets married by Contract with the Government thats why the Government grants the divorce. U.S. Bureau of Prison officials granted an early release May 4 for 64-year-old Jack Schaap. He lives in Missouri and no churches have been warned about him. Warned for trying to solicit oral sex from a police officer while awaiting trial. You know that they are not the Southern Baptists or Catholics or LDS, you know that right. Schaaps sad and frightful case is only a drop in the bucket. Jack Hyles had control over the most minute details of the lives of the Nischik family. Kill them! The church made him resign, but failed to mention the victims. Blame and shame go deep and people say ridiculous things, juju, to keep their lids down tight so that they dont have to face the truth. Andy Beith ran off with an 11 year old girl on a cross- country sex spree to Las Vegas. Why not look at what the bible says. While IFB church members do divorce from time to time, it is not a common occurrence. Video: Hyles receives hero worship from the student body. Wow! JACK HYLES COVERED UP THE GROSS IMMORALITY, ADULTERIES, AND PERVERSIONS OF HIS SON DAVE HYLES. I taught soul winning in Pastors School. Another read, in part, [this] is exactly what Christ desires for us. THIS IS WHAT PAUL WOULD HAVE DONE, so why would any pastor refuse to do this? One person, who was raised at FBCH and was a student at HAC, said, I tremble to think of the times that I stood on peoples doorsteps and led them through a meaningless prayer and assured them that Thats all there is to it see you in heaven! and then walked away from a person who was AS clueless after my visit as they were before., A former student of Hyles schools with family very involved in FBCH said, They are responsible for the encouragement of an easy, repeat-after-me type of salvation that is mostly for the purpose of claiming inflated numbers of members while leaving the convert with no idea of what hes done, or even worse, the idea that he is just fine and Heaven-bound because he prayed some prayer after a desperate college student needing to claim the numbers., A convert to Jack Hyles bus ministry in 1981 recalled, I was in the Navy stationed at Great Lakes NTC, when approached by two men from Hyles Church. This site is not part of the Facebook or Facebook, Inc. site. In Ballengers case, threats against the victims and family were made by members of FBCH, and Hyles allowed it to happen without any rebuke. They escaped jail because there wasnt enough evidence to sentence them. Schaap was vicious, demeaning, and mean to his subordinates, often humiliating them in front of peers. One woman who was raised at FBCH and attended, HAC said, There is no spiritual growth in that congregation or student body resulting from the teaching of or study of Gods word My husband and I are often amused that (in our opinion) God took us out of church to get us into church.. yes, that really makes you an expert, doesnt it? (Starting at 1:13:10-1:16:30), Jack Hyles comes up to give his thank yous in regards to what made him great after the student body screams that they want Jack Hyles to get at least 50 years of serving in FBCH. ALL YOU CHILDREN OF THE DEVIL (LIKE KEVIN & ETC. The following list summarizes some of the major details about these 22 predators connected to Hyles in some form or another: 13 were guilty of molesting underage girls (most of them were girls 14 years of age and younger. Jerry Kaifetz recounts when he was an integral part of Hyles Big Days. He said that Hyles would cook the numbers of won souls over and over again. He believed that you cannot do Gods work without God, and God cannot do his work without man. She also witnessed the control Jack Hyles had over every small detail of her families day-to-day lives. Hyles would greatly boast about the number of souls saved under his ministry. Thats before I heard me Sermon: When Satan Is At His Worst (Voyle Glover p 48), My secretary said the other day, Ill declare, it takes me three years to get something from God and it takes you three days. Even the police, when called to investigate, were followed and harassed. Church Hammond Pastor Serving Time for Sex Crimes Again Seeks Release Steve Rabey February 12, 2021 Jack Schaap was a married father of two who pastored the 15,000-member First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana, when he started having sex with a 16-year-old girl he was counseling. It bothered Nelson greatly that Hyles was going about the country trying to keep pastors who had fallen into adultery in the pulpit. Based on all these 55 witnesses, there are 13 serious accusations against Jack Hyles and FBCH (as well as Jack Schaap), and based on the evidence, prove that he was a false prophet and cult leader that no IFB church should support or be associated with, and he should even be exposed and rebuked from every IFB church pulpit, in order to biblically warn every congregation about this wolf in sheeps clothing. I assume that you dont believe in leprechauns or that the earth is flat? 6. Not one of the deacons or any member stopped this display of vulgarity. As far As the former mrs schaap, jack schaap got into major trouble in prison for some sick public stuff he tried to do with a female visitor, it see,w that it was his wife he did this too, In front of everyone. The following link is a promo video of the soul-winning clubs at FBCH. He never constantly put chunks of biblical meat on anyones plate. 55 INDIVIDUAL EYEWITNESSES TESTIFY TO THE TRUTH OF THESE ALLEGATIONS. The victim was 14. CHRIS SETTLEMOIR HYLES-ANDERSON GRADUATE / PASTOR AND PRINCIPLE OF ANTIOCH BAPTIST CHURCH AND ACADEMY IN MICHIGAN. You can see the video of it. His gross sins were white washed. 4) Walt Handford, a pastor and son-in-law of the late John R. Rice, begged Hyles by letter and in person to speak to him about the matter, but he would not. Sentenced for two counts of sex assault with 2 underage teenage girls, 13 and 15 years old. reputation and ministry. Nelson promised Hyles that he would go across the country to clear your name, if the stories were false, and that if they were true, that Hyles needed to get on your knees and get right with God. Hyles never answered his letter. Every night he was told how stupid he was, and lazy he was, and wicked he was, and his only salvation was this college and learning how to model himself after the great and wonderful Jack. http://www.journal-news.net/page/content.detail/id/505647.html?nav=5006, JOE AND EVANGELINE COMBS FORMER BIBLE TEACHER / FACULTY MEMBERS AT HAC AND FORMER PASTOR IN TENNESSEE. Prison releases former First Baptist Church of Hammond pastor. Tom Neal and his son dismissed and escorted one of the deacons, of 15 years, off church property because he had asked the sheriffs office to investigate them. In six years, the teens reported 100,000 salvation decisions, though the youth Sunday School averaged only 2,500. Each one insists it is right, and only it. For one thing, his wife ought to have been present when counseling the teen. The God of Government? Only someone with false teachings is going to give you something new. 1) Vic Nischik tried to see Jack Hyles about the alleged affair with his wife. Hyles ruled with reckless and heedless disregard for the rights and feelings and dignity of the people. He was a loyal member of FBCH, graduated from HAC and Hyles-Anderson Seminary and received a M.Th., a Masters degree in Pastoral Theology. ITS GOT ME TOO! The 1st Jack was a case in point, if you believe the back door rumors. I do, however, worship my wife. The truth is that those statistics are devoid of spirituality reality, and the bragging is sin. If not for you, but for the next person who may tread the path you went through. He sprinkled artificial meat flavor on things he had concocted and he became a master at disguising those concoctions as meat. ! Some of Hyles deacons and staff were involved in adultery, but Hyles did nothing about it when the accusations came. A man that worked at the Mission at FBCH told Pastor Voegtlin how that the director of the Mission was having an affair with a whore. Very sorry to hear all this mess. The victims were 16 and 14 years old. They are bullies with no restraint. He focused much more about himself in his sermons than he did on God. I also suspect that I know a hell of a lot more IFB preachers than you do. He was born on 6 April 1951 in New York, New York, United States, he was 70 years at the time of his demise. A second victim came forward that alleged that he was molested when he was 10 years old. Hyles continued to allow Vic and Jennie to remain in their positions on staff for years, even though Jennie was living in a rebellious state against her husband, and even though Hyles accused Vic of having an affair with another woman at the time when the scandal broke out about Hyles and Jennie. Jack Hyles method of soul-winning, with his view of repentance and quick prayerism, was fraudulent and damaging to the cause of Christ. My husband left for the base at six in the morning, and I didnt see him again until four in the afternoon, when he would pass by me in line as I helped serve the meal we had prepared for 100 men. What a mess. I taught Cindy in school. How many more are out there, serving in leadership or staff positions that havent been caught? Arrested for molesting and raping a 13-year-girl from the childrens home. Court records show Schaap had been incarcerated in the Federal Correctional Institution, Ashland, in Kentucky. In it there were many pornographic/perverted pictures of Dave and other women in the church he was having affairs with. He is a registered sex offender. Sisson was admitted to Harvest Baptist Church in Iowa without the congregation being warned that he was a sexual predator. Hyles was busy putting out all the fires about his son when scandals about Dave broke out. this. He had previous charges for sexual assault, use of a prostitute, and illegal handgun possession. IFB CHURCHES AROUND THE COUNTRY HAVE CHILD MOLESTERS, CHILD ABUSERS, AND SEXUAL PREDATORS IN THEIR PULPITS, AND IN CHURCH LEADERSHIP AND STAFF POSITIONS. Below is a brief description of each of these 22 church predators. You obviously have joined into the sconer realm. Yet the church was providing legal representation for these offenders. 3 other women testified that he had molested them as children. 7. That year, Dave organized the Teenage Soul Winning program. If Hyles had dealt with his son the right away, instead of lying about him, covering up his sin, and going so far as to send him to be a pastor in Texas, just how many destroyed marriages would have been prevented? https://brucegerencser.net/2022/02/ifb-man-admits-that-i-am-a-better-man-morally-than-he-is-but-tells-me-im-going-to-hell-anyway/. Husbands and fathers were taught to make sacrifices that would make him absent from his family day and night, seven days a week, for months and years. As people elevated Jack Hyles in their minds by the stories he would tell about himself, lies, embellishments, and distortions were more easily accepted. SCHAAP PREACHED THE FALSE DOCTRINE THAT GOD HATES THE WORLD AND DOESNT WANT TO RECONCILE WITH MANKIND. http://posttrib.chicagotribune.com/18835553-537/preacher-sex-with-17-year-old-was-lords-work.html#.VI5UShbaafQ, http://posttrib.chicagotribune.com/news/lake/28442049-460/schaap-blames-attorneys-for-12-year-sentence.html, http://posttrib.chicagotribune.com/news/lake/28532140-418/ex-pastor-seeks-to-reduce-12-year-sentence.html#.VI5JvxbaafQ, http://www.nwitimes.com/news/local/lake/hammond/ex-megachurch-pastor-blames-underage-victim-wants-out-of-prison/article_2ae9324b-eacf-546e-9f73-c12147f5726f.html, JEFFREY JARRELL HYLES-ANDERSON GRADUATE / FORMER YOUTH PASTOR AT CALVARY PARK BAPTIST CHURCH, PETERSBURG, VA, Took a guilty plea for molesting 11 young girls from his church. He acted completely contrary to what he preached. Schaap wanted to raise money to build an auditorium as a monument to himself. No record of church discipline. There was a lady who was a teacher in one of the schools of First Baptist. He controlled every aspect of the funds from that organization, not letting anyone know the income he was getting. HYLES BELIEVED THAT HE WAS THE ANSWER TO THE SALVATION OF AMERICA. He made no reference to the church providing support or care for the boy or his family. Their adopted daughter tried to commit suicide at a church event. So does love commit sex with a minor? He even joked about prostituting his wife to raise the money for it. Did the Apostle Paul receive this kind of treatment? Hope you can come up with some good biblical forgiveness for others and yourself, Tim, a board certified clinical psychologist, reads one post written by the evil atheist, Bruce Gerencser, and concludes Gerencser is a bitter man. He told him you realize you are not limited to a local church. HYLES DIDNT INVESTIGATE ACCUSATIONS. According to Linda Hyles Murphrey, Jack Hyles daughter, her father (Jack Hyles) hated his wife and treated her terribly, even abused her. He preached that he is the pastor of 10,000 pastors. A Response to Tim Challies (Part Two) | Here's the Joy. The whole congregation gave him a standing ovation. EYEWITNESS #2: JERRY D. KAIFETZ, PH. 4. Grow up, already. At least 25 of the churches showed no support for the victims or their family. http://www.wkyt.com/home/headlines/11259416.html, http://www.theledger.com/article/20071130/NEWS/711300384, MIKE STROUF BROTHER-IN-LAW TO PASTOR JACK TRIEBER OF NORTH VALLEY BAPTIST CHURCH IN SANTA CLARA, CA. He claimed that more people were saved (15,000) in his church on May 3, 1998 than at any church in the history of Christianity. If this was truly the case that this many people were saved, Hyles church would have increased dramatically, but nothing like that happened. He consistently heard about and had members who witnessed the cover-ups and adulteries among deacons and staff members at FBCH. As a result of this doctrine most people at FBCH and HAC didnt know or hear any stories or rumors about gross immoral sins that were going on in Hyles church. As a result of quick prayerism, the majority of souls reportedly saved would experience no life change, and had no interest in the things of Christ. She was taught to always obey her pastor because he is Gods representative. Other witnesses reported the following: One wife of a Hyles follower said that her ex-husband ruled our home with every spoken So yes she is to blame and he is to blame. And if Im wrong (Im not!) He was a great manipulator of people. He remains unrebuked and unchallenged in his office as pastor. Based on all the eyewitness testimony, Jack Hyles had an affair with his secretary, Jennie Nischik, which lasted for at least a couple decades. 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