russia ukraine war prediction astrology

Since the second world war, The Soviet Union has tried to offer favorable economic deals to countries to become the next superpower by increasing their dependence upon it for energy. There will be more and again, this will happen in relation with Russias economic collapse. Closer to home, almost all the major countries like China, America, Russia, North Korea, India, Iran, Pakistan, etc., will be involved in the collection of state-of-the-art weapons of destruction under the guise of their nuclear and energy power. I expect you have had both situations since 2008. Will PM Boris Johnson be Neville Chamberlain or Sir Winston Churchill? We live in a world where the top 1% (Pluto in Capricorn) have forced everyone else to accept what they think is valuable. Very much looking forward to it! We used to know where we stood, more or less, with old-fashioned currency and exchange rates, and the price of things. My Leo husband has his ascendant 11 Scorpio and desc 11 Taurus, Mars 03 Taurus, Juno 07 sag and other factors at same degrees though different signs (bacchus 23 cancer, cupido 08 Capricorn) and I have moon and Hygeia 10 Taurus and you can see the other factors (Diana 01 Taurus etc). I also used astrology and the Switzerland horoscope to talk about war karma here. There is nothing in Cancer of any importance whatsoever in 2022, 2023 or beyond.,,, Simply the best. It is, however, a massive global economy detox. The possibilities of nuclear conflict. Just so long as you know its up and down until 2026. The chart for Norway ties into the other astrological charts Ive seen for Sweden, Lithuania, Moldova, and so on. How far it will be involved and what consequences could she face in terms of military attack?Thank you. Why is that? Thank you for describing the situation in Ukraine, I support it with my whole being and I suffer with it 24 hours a day. Ukraine will join the EU. Anything I need to watch out for? A glimpse at history tells us that when the. China is STEALING . What comes out of this for the U.K. will be very different, quite radical and happen very suddenly. I being unable to sleep easy, always easily see one patch at my eye level Paddington sitting on a military tank that is perched on the hat of a face that resembles Charlie Chaplain. We have had very disturbing reports from the BBC and Sky that Putin has put Russia on to a high nuclear deterrent alert. Very, very local not global and decided by the region, the village, the town, the city. You had predicted all this much earlier and rest the stars are doing their job. When you are so isolated it is very hard to do anything of great import; this figure is also easy to attack from behind. Hi Jessica, Just seen a post which states Lelenskyy refuses to be bribed by Trump. The Saturn in Aquarius cycle is rare and only happens every 29 years. Here are two true astrology predictions about Europe and war from this website. I am trying to place every headline I read in the wider context of a war, because many of these headlines could be misleading or just aiming to amplify small incidents which may prove to be irrelevant for the whole picture. thank you so much. Explore More at Tarot Reading for March 2022 | Monthly Horoscope for March 2022 | Numerology Prediction for March 2022 | Stock Market Predictions for March 2022 | Shubh Muhurat And Festivals of March 2022, Please enter your mobile number to Login/Sign Up on Astroyogi, OTP has been sent to you on your mobile number. As we already know that Ukraine is a former Soviet nation and now wants to become a NATO member (The North Atlantic Treaty Organization), a group that was created to provide collective security against the Soviet Union expansionist policy. Lets begin with this video from The Conscious Cafe, an interview with Gina Lazenby, posted on YouTube on 23rd November 2020. President Putin has long held staunch views about Russia and Ukraine being one. Hallo, did you got my email before? Feels like a war. You will gain or save from May 2023 until May 2024 so there is a terrific solution and restart up ahead. Thats going to change the world. Will it be war or bombing in Sweden soon? Why is this please. This is a professional, academic or non-profit relationship (sometimes a business deal marriage with high status) which is taken over by someone or something which requires a lot of self-control to manage. Your country is ancient and has seen it all, survived and thrived. Can I ask what you see ahead for me in my chart especially around conflict & finances which I feel all link into pluto in Capricorn. You can see all those rich oligarchs on yachts, in this horoscope. You certainly put the current craziness into perspective. We do not have reliable data for Vladimir Putin. POLITICAL ASTROLOGY In Moscow, another prominent astrologer, Konstantin Daragan, who made a name for himself by claiming to have predicted the coronavirus pandemic, also says Russia will win on the ground in Ukraine and in its clash with the West. After this war, there are also signs of the whole world getting immersed once again in the grip of a major economic recession when the world will be trying to heal itself after the corona pandemic. The Astrology of Russias Invasion of Ukraine Mar 11 2022 The Astrology of Russias Invasion of Ukraine On February 24, 2022, Russia deployed the largest If so, what currency should the savings be in? Thank you. You may in fact change laws. My heart breaks for Ukraine and the people especially the children. This peaks, as Ive said, when see a perfect storm of cycles coming together at 26, 27 degrees. What lies in the future for both men. Astrology predicts news headlines before they happen, and this came to pass, as Reuters reported, on Monday 28th February 2022. Well, 1999 was the year that Russia joined forces with Belarus. 2. I posted this on Twitter (left) to a huge response. The golden rule with this transit is to use sheer willpower to become empowered. How does this war impact the UK economy? Women in charge, helps any group find more power and control, from March 2023, as they take their place alongside men. I must say though that, on a personal level, Im now wondering if I should go ahead with buying a car if gas prices are going to skyrocket? As per Mundane Astrology, if Lagan (1st house) and the 7th house are under the influence of Rahu-Ketu, then the severity of war will be limited and there are chances that the full-fledged war may get reduced to some clashes and, probably, some mutual understanding or some mid-course resolution of the situation may become possible. Of course, it may be the end of Russias invasion. Now we know why. This is a Taurus-Scorpio-Aquarius cycle so people power (mass boycotts and the triggering of The Magnitsky Act) will work wonders. Not just once. They will lose the war because they wont have the necessary parts / equipment and because of logistics issues. See Tweets: 2022 Election analysis : For the first and last time in his life, Uranus, the planet of shock, disruption and upheaval is crossing 11 Taurus. If you were born on 30th June 1964 you are a Sun Cancer person who is almost at the end of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle which began in 2008. I appreciate you with all my heart. I see no commentary on Joe Biden at all. The MC is where Ukraine fulfils her mission. Please help me find it. Germany is making amends karmically with Romania by taking strong steps against Russia. I believe that the technology its built upon, the blockchain, is the most important part here and mainly the encryption and decentralization. horoscopes are based on your Vedic Moon Sign . The only thing Im worried about is nuclear weapons and we all know by now that Putin is mentally sick and unstable. Thank you so much for what you do. It has taken me aback to find these figures Paddington, tank and a comedian Chaplain like (Ukraine president was a comedian and voiced Paddington I just read) out here on the world stage. How that is repaid, we will see in 2022 and 2023. So the first one is April 30th 2022 and the second one is May 16th 2022. Maximum planets including Sun, Venus and Mercury are posited in the 9th house of fortune. It is spiral, were in. In the annual horoscope, Russia has Aquarius Ascendant and Saturn, Mars, Venus, and Mercury along with Pluto are in the 12th house of foreign land and losses - similar to the natal chart. Although neither of us has Russian or Ukrainian connections, we both have factors that are hit by the aspects you mentioned above. Vedic Astrology uses Moon Sign based predictions based on your date, place & time of birth for greater accuracy. Due to this violent and powerful shifting, a. I agree about China. Jessica Adams does not reply to every comment and her replies are on a best-efforts basis which means your comment or question may never receive a reply. Should I hold off or any dates to avoid? What are the ramifications of this war as per astrology? Allow 2022, 2023, 2024, 2025, 2026 for massive ongoing change and restructuring of the life budget, but also the values. I think he also wanted to invade while it was easier to drive tanks across frozen wastelands in to Ukraine, before the thaw happens in the Spring. Vladimir Putin was a KGB agent. Now, what are the astrological aspects that lead to the start of this war, and what will be its effect on global politics as well as on our country? Im heartbroken over Ukraine, especially after todays news from Bucha. Here are 10 predictions, made with varying degrees of confidence. Thank you Simon. Thank you. Its very reassuring. India Today speaks to the astrologer, he Vladimir Putin has chosen to do this in the death throes of Pluto in Capricorn, as you say. From March month, as per Hindu Chaitra maas, due to kalsharp yoga and the aspect of Saturn on the Sun will be bring upheaval and frightening consequences in the world. Thank you. Russian oil. In America, there are still so many Trump supporters. When talking about sanctions, two years ago, I noticed the Japan astrology chart showing very strongly in connection with Ukraine. You have ties to those people and that land, and as Jupiter goes to 11 Taurus in the short-term (once Putin is history and Russia starts to slowly think about relaunching) you will have very good fortune financially (assuming your birth time is accurate) which you will use to give back to your people. The package is aimed at entities that helped Russia evade sanctions earlier in the year-old war against Ukraine. And the other cycle which is crucial here, is the Uranus/North Node cycle in Taurus, the sign of the global economy. And, as you can see below, why Putin was written down as butins. Its going to be a free-for-all, completely chaotic at times and quite unregulated. How long do you think this war will last? The world really does seem in turmoil. But, you have to leave the decisions to the leadership, and only the leadership can figure out those very old spiritual debts from the last war. WebOne of his most alarming predictions is that of a religious war in Iran in 2023. 2022 and 2023 are hard work. Feel so sad for the Ukraines -love their bravery.I am currently minting and uploading NFTS pg. The long goodbye. You are a Sun Cancer person with an Aquarius stellium. Also, do you see that larger nuclear damage (either incidentally or planned attack) would be realistic thing Thanks. Hi Jessica, I have always struggled to understand the balance of power and money. It will take a couple of years to sort out from 2024 you can say its done. Although the Russia-Ukraine war stands to affect the economy and financial markets, the Federal Reserves potential reaction to the conflict is potentially more concerning, according to Jeremy Siegel, senior investment strategy advisor at WisdomTree and professor of finance at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. Thank you. As per Mundane Astrology, afflicted luminaries like Sun, Moon or both in the annual horoscope is one of the reasons for the war. This is temporary but it will radically change Latvias trade arrangements, shopping, imports and so on. Thanks. We cant control that timing; people power can (let McDonalds know how you feel). Others found alternative suppliers, such as Egypt which replaced wheat from Ukraine with imports from the European Union and the United States as well as Russia. Our generation has experienced 2-3 recessions, one pandemic, and now this new cold war. Thats not happened in your lifetime. Have a look at The Garden Oracle, The Astrology Oracle and the Smith Waite Tarot to see what would happen if you pursued more/different physical activity. It is classically the employer, a powerful client or colleague; sometimes a dominating husband. Soap (all that hand-washing) and hand gel. Thank you for writing the article, Jessica! That means an end to money laundering (the slow explosion of the global money laundromat) and an end to fossil fuel especially Russian oil. To you see this russian army come faiting in Finland ? Jupiter is interpreted as natural luck, which is true, but there is a kind of automatic conversion with Jupiter which means even merde turns to gold. This will be marked with the unfolding of events that will provide opportunities for creating circumstances that may bring a hold on the war and lead towards the direction of normalcy, which would happen gradually. The Russia charts going back since Rasputin do show the same cycles. Your country has seen it all before, though, and in fact there will be new trade deals, agreements and business ventures in 2023 which greatly help. If Mars is involved in this, then the situation will aggravate as per Mundane Astrology. Any advice/timelines appreciated. Personally, it has been one of the most challenging times of my life; not sure how Ill be able to cope with another prolonged market crisis. That posting is a lot more insightful and frankly more in-depth. WebRussia-Ukraine War: This Indian astrologer had predicted a conflict in Europe 16 months in advance! Please take a look at the FBI twitter. The 2nd house has Sun and Moon in Capricorn. Also, legacies and wills. The war will probably run on for a year at least but is essentially deadlocked and its intensity is lessening Six months of war may have gone by, but neither Thank you so much for this! You draw your own conclusions. This can and does get better, with a notable improvement as you go towards Christmas, and the Saturn cycle slowly ends. Also, Rahu will be transited in Aries sign which emphasizes the rule under dictatorship, and counties will start a movement of expansion and dictatorship like China. What we have here is the end of Pluto (absolute power) in Capricorn (the elite men at the top) for another 240+ years. Look across the map. You are obviously seeing first-hand what people in Moscow know; Vladimir Putin is part of a crumbling system and a collapsing economy. That is Finland and Sweden. Craig Hamilton-Parkers prediction is that Putin will keep the war going for the sake of his own image, and that Russian troops will occupy part of Kyiv. What do you think about Bulgaria in the light of these events close to us. Shouldnt Britain be doing more? The biggest spike will be 2022, 2023. Mars is indicating that there is a terrible and furious upheaval ongoing in the world right now. In order to maintain and increase its dominance in the world, it will indirectly help and cooperate for the destruction of rebel groups and will have to send military and will be compulsively involved in the war, while also gradually imposing economic sanctions, etc. Even in 1939 (the next time mirror) the United States let the United Kingdom and France tackle Hitler. But, particularly, those Regency mansions. Do you have any insights on this? The chart is given below; The Asc rising is Sagittarius at 14.57 degrees. China under Xi Jinping is even more secretive and dangerous than Putin and Russia. With Finland we also go back to 1938 and of course by 1938 the Nazi-Soviet pact led to a Soviet invasion of Finland with brave resistance. If this could escalate into World War III. #Want to protect my children. Since you have been saying many times that it is the end of money laundering, I would like to ask you about the EU initiative on a new anti-money laundering authority. War crimes are now being recorded in Ukraine by Russia and Vladimir Putin and so the stage is set for the arrest of oligarchs, a time of reckoning for Putin, and the seizure of assets as well as a long correction of a corrupted world economy. While Ukraine is absorbing and training on Western hardware, it is also trying to fight a war with Soviet-era armor, scouring the world for large-caliber munitions and spare parts. As per Mundane Astrology, in a fortnight chart, if the 7th house is afflicted, then it acts as a trigger to war between two countries which already have prevailing tensions. Thats too funny. You need method and order, ritual and routine, a satisfying workload, productive housework, daily fitness and the right food/drink to feel completely at home in the world, and although 2022 is hard work, 2023 will be better and could transform you, actually. Thank you so much Jessica. Moon in Mrtyu Bhaga shows the deaths on both sides Cn (Ukraine) and Ta (Russia). The impact on Europe will be the end of petrol, the end of coal and gas, the start (or restart) of electric, solar and wind power. Facebook has changed its hate speech policy to allow users to call for death to Russian soldiers in Ukraine. If you have Scorpio written in your chart, your role in 2022 and 2023 is to unfix the fixed as Scorpio is a fixed sign, and the opposition from Uranus in Taurus, which will hit everyone with a stellium in that sign by 2026, is about radical change, shock and the need to rapidly alter course. Yet I am still struggling to come to a firm understanding. Estonia was of course annexed by Russia in 1940 so given that we are repeating the karma of 1938, it would seem you are owed, by Russia. Thats LAgent in the first line you can see above. Thank you very much. Yes, your father was right. @Heather Thank you so much Jessica. Ill keep reading and getting more into details. If you are not already using new technology online, you will be from 2026, when Uranus goes into Gemini. But now it looks like the uncertainty will continue for some time. This was published on 23rd November 2020 on this website. You can call this year and next year the necessary detox. The tide began to turn two years ago and it will turn in favour of Russians who deserve something better, from March 2023 with a new leadership after that point. I cannot believe how crypto currency is evolving.I have read on my crypto journey that we will soon be minting songs, driving licences, legal papers, passports, book, music etc etc.The crypto seem to be evolving and will be a big impact for everyone if this is the case.Is this the future? Horoscopes analysed: It is not a circle. Russia has crashed and will go on crashing, as Uranus at 11 Taurus goes over Saturn at 11 Taurus. You have to remember that Vladimir Putin is dealing with the heavy realities of people power with Saturn in Aquarius in 2022 and the formidable strength of alliances and unity from March 2023, when Pluto goes into Aquarius. Petrol prices are indeed rising due to this conflict so who knows? Makes no sense why am I seeing these three since many months. Also covered in this article are: My daughter has Venus at 27 Capricorn and Cupido at 12 Pisces and I see there are conjunctions on both of these aspects this week. Im a Scorpio, Nov 6, 1961 9PM (GMT+8). With women, front-and-centre. Thank you. Could be any of us. The Russian stock market tanked heavily and reached levels below 50%, wiping off about $150 billion of investors money. Kindly. When he saw a word he did not understand, he came up with the closest equivalent in his own language. The constitution will change to embrace community, diversity and equality and a woman President is not far away. Affliction or influence into Capricorn-Cancer axis is believed to be the cause of war or instability in a country. Call it a detox. It depends where you put your money. My eye is also on money laundering in Australia. Nostradamus was a clairvoyant who saw newspaper headlines, centuries into the future, in his visions. Okay, so Latvia has four astrological charts. I have replied to you elsewhere, thank you. When you say nothing will be safe you are correct. Donald and Melania Trump remind me of the Evelyn Waugh novel, Decline and Fall. Its about government support. Later on in 2023 and 2024 you will realise it happened for a reason. Theyve not been there for about 18-19 years. People help with their own money. Its also very much about the birth rate, as people tend not to have babies when mortgages are such hard work. Your reply makes so much sense and very much appreciated. Only you can tell what you want and need then. India, China may have influenced Russia, prevented nuclear war in Ukraine: US. As a Brit Im ashamed of the stance our government has taken regarding refugees especially as were facing the karma of 1938 now. Putin does not understand it. I have several questions: That is really important, because in 2004 we found the North Node in Taurus (the economy, trade) and the South Node in Scorpio (currency, banking, debt) and right on cue, in 2022 and 2023, the North Node and South Node are back in the same signs. We have a lot of corruption at the political level. Or is is just that all of the junk crypto will be exposed and gone and the stable coins will remain? Any psychic insights on when such institution may start its work and in which EU country? Eclipses conceal. I also would like to know what about Zelenksi? What the possible period for the end of war should be. Given I have factors in 26 Scorpio, and world in turmoil would this impact my plans to buy a small apartment for me to live in Sydney (not investment)? Ironically, Made In Taiwan would be most affected so the very thing that China wants, in business terms, she would not get. But there are other underlying reasons behind this conflict brewing for years. I just feel helpless watching the news and want to help every single Ukrainian, specially all the children since Ive been recently a mother of a beautiful baby boy, makes me think what kind of future are we leaving to our children, this war is just bringing us back 80 years in evolution as a society. The slog is actually 2022, 2023 and there are fantastic turning points, solutions and answers once we get to the Jupiter in Taurus cycle, May 2023 until May 2024. If the world stops Russia from using the SWIFT banking system, for example, it may use Chinas system instead. Russia Ukraine war has started on 24 February 2022 when Vladimir Putin, the President of Russia, declared war on Ukraine in a Press conference in the early morning. This really comes from the American astrology chart, not the Trump chart which is in question, as he gave two entirely different birthdates, to authorities. I was born in the USSR and I know first hand how unorganized that country is. They tried buying more chips recently but Taiwan didnt sell them because of sanctions. I predicted Donald Trump would go down in October, before the November election and he did I mentioned illness as a possible cause and it was. In the annual horoscope, we see a planet conjunction in the 4th house in Capricorn, Rahu in Taurus in the 8th house and Ketu in the 2nd house. Play more Pussy Riot. Would love to hear, if you had time, how the UK economy will hold up (or not!) Mercury at 26 Scorpio in the Eighth House of the Russian chart (sex, death and money) is hit by an eclipse at 25 Scorpio (a Full Moon) on Monday 16th May 2022. He using mercenaries and local so called militiaNo Russian will follow those orders because it would result in a Russian collapse. The article provides hope in dark times. , survived and thrived would like to know what about Zelenksi this violent and powerful shifting, i..., and so on in Europe 16 months in advance will last that all of stance... Petrol prices are indeed rising due to this conflict brewing for years heartbroken over Ukraine especially. The town, the Sign of the global economy detox local not global and by... Are a Sun Cancer person with an Aquarius stellium soap ( all that hand-washing ) and hand gel online you! 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