supergirl fanfiction kara faints at catco

The next day, Cat immediately reported on this revelation, elated at scooping the Daily Planet. Kara gives a cup of water to Cat, who drops the glass and it breaks. [16], Cat offered Lucy Lane a job as CatCo's general counsel despite a conflict of interest because of James, but is convinced to take the offer. She later opposes Maxwell Lord's plan to drop a Kryptonite bomb on the city. National City headquarters for the interrogation. Kara advised Nia to confront and overpower her fears to make waves at CatCo.[6]. I push myself and I take on more than I can handle. During her vacations in Colombia, she reached out to Kara to complain about coral reefs being intoxicated by sunscreen and to send her the offer to return to CatCo as editor-in-chief. Although Nia and J'onn were able to evade the guards, Brainy was taken for interrogation, where he was beaten. She gave Kara advice in various problems that her assistant was facing, ranging from problems regarding work to her personal life. The following day, Cat once again discussed with James the possibility of an interview with Supergirl, pointing out there was a definitive connection between her and Superman. Kara volunteered to look after Carter for the day instead. Kara's open door policy She greets Winn Schott having never met him before. Sharing our truth is what will make us strong.Nia Nal to Kara Danvers. Before she can, Supergirl arrives to talk her out of her anger. She and her coworkers later watched Supergirl's televised speech to the city. The signal was detected by Winn and Supergirl, and upon finding out he was from Daxam and fearing that he was behind the attack on President Marsdin she rushed to confront him. [2], Kara came down with a cold and informs Winn about her status, and when Cat sees her sneeze she sends Kara home for the rest of the day. Cat had a tough childhood, as her mother always pushed her to excel, but was never satisfied with the results. Cat even has respect for her employee, James Olsen, to the point where she appointed him as acting CEO of her company, CatCo Worldwide Media, after she took a leave of absence. Cat Grant wrestles with her loyalty to Supergirl after Andrea Rojas reveals Supergirl is sleeping with Lena Luthor. [21], Nia also helped J'onn to remember his past with his brother Malefic J'onzz on Mars.[22]. Kara explained she didn't want to see her foster mother and sister being at odds. Kara yells back at Cat and immediately apologizes. When Kara and Siobhan was arguing via email Kara suddenly shouted out and Cat arrived and told her to keep it down. To prove her point, she hurls Cat over the balcony and flies down to catch her just in time. Kara goes to Cat, and Kara is surprised to learn that Cat found out that she was Supergirl, having figured out the recent encounters whenever they were around. Taking charge of the situation, she asked Kara to have the F.B.I. When Olivia resigned from office, Cat became the press secretary of her successor, Phil Baker, until he was impeached and arrested. Nia's father gave her a box, which her mother wanted her to have. Nia helped innocents to escape, while Kara held off the Children as well as an drug-enhanced woman, who was eventually apprehended by Alex. We have the ability to feel the depths of our emotion and we know that we will walk through it to the other side.Cat Grant to Kara Danvers. Nia returned to CatCo, and explained to Kara, what happened at the bar. However, James revealed that interview with Supergirl had already begun, telling her to look outside her car window. J'onn went for it, claiming he won't let Argo suffer the same fate as Mars. Cat claimed she was doing the superheroine a favor since her job wasn't easy, and Supergirl couldn't rely on her cousin any time a major threat attacked. [24], When Kara chooses to be a reporter for CatCo, the decision is supported by Cat. With Winn, the two played a shooting video game in Cat's office. [2], While born physically a boy, at a young age, Nia realized she was really a girl. She angrily slammed some money on the counter, requesting they serve Brainy under the threat of having their shop closed down once Nia exposed their bigotry at CatCo. Please consider turning it on! Cat wanted to incorporate CCC Media into CatCo to help the former company expand, even offering a black check. Nia developed a close mentor-student relationship with Kara, to whom she looks up. The next day, Carter sneaks off to ride Maxwell Lord's Super Train. Nia suddenly had a vision of the Staff of the Shadow World. She laughed as Kara screamed; Alex was displaying her new suit. We are going to take this slow and work one day at the time. She proposed a partnership to take down Livewire, which the Girl of Steel agreed to. Returning to the Tower, the Superfriends decided to search for the seven AllStone Totems. CatCo is later under attack by Rhea's men but both Cat and Winn are rescued by Guardian. [49], In an alternate timeline created by Mr. Mxyzptlk to show Kara how the world would have been if she and Lena had never became friends, National City was governed with the iron fist by an insane Lena, turned into a Metallo by Lillian, while Nia was part of the resistance alongside Alex, J'onn, Winn, Mon-El and Kelly. Back in CatCo, Kara learns from Eve that Mon-El asked her to do the work that James had given to him, so she approaches him and explains that he has to do his job. Only by going through the portal could they learn, where exactly the portal will lead. Despite Nia's attempts to stop her, Nyxly managed to obtain the Dream Totem. Winn concluded the typing patterns didn't match Karabut they matched Siobhan's. Also, despite her hardcore personality, Cat acknowledges that human connections are the key to happiness, a knowledge she shares to Supergirl, which greatly inspired the superheroine to rescue Lena and Mon-El from the Daxamites. Cat tried to reason with both women, but Rhea responded by attacking Air Force One and shooting it out of the sky. They come at the office together and Kara introduces him to Eve and James, whit whom she later go to take a coffee, encountering a gang of criminals armed with alien weapon that Kara unsuccessfully tried to stop from robbing a bank and escape. After Kara was forced to hide in her civilian persona, when Red Daughter attacked the White House disguised as her, Nia took upon herself to protect National City. UNFINISHED, ON HOLD When she does, Nia as Dreamer reveals herself and Supergirl and J'onn appear and arrest her. Suit up Later, Kara thanks Cat for the opportunity to work with her and resigns, explaining that Cat's suspicions make it impossible for her to do her job. You don't build a company like CatCo by being a wallflower and not having an opinion and a strong point of view.Cat Grant. In the new multiverse, Cat was a bit dumber in the 2000s due to her jealousy towards Lois Lane, which made her make foolish decisions. When Winn's doppelganger attacks Andrea Rojas' conference with robotic tigers, Nia and the team go to the scene and manage to stop him. action romance cwtv +3 more # 17 Laverna Family Moments by Foxes and Magic [38] The next day, Andrea was adamant that Nia needed to replace Kara in writing and research for CatCo. [39], Nia and Brainy used the Legion's cruiser to travel to May 26, 2009 to get the materials needed to release 2020 Kara from the Phantom Zone, but, upon exiting in that time, 2009 Kara heard the ship crash-land. Cat was thrown out from the plane from the released pressure but Supergirl arrived just in time to catch and save her. S'mores are Nia's favorite dessert, but she will always choose salty over sweet. Cat muses she stopped asking herself if she made the right decision years ago and admits her regret. Impressed, Kara urged Nia to pitch that story to the CEO, James Olsen. Later, Cat called James while on her way home from work to inform him that she will be interviewing replacements for his position. My mother always said it.But that's what heroes do. Despite being created as an original character for the CW series, Nia made her comic book debut in ". While she struggled against intolerance and hate-fueled attacks, including being denied service at establishments, Parthas' acceptance towards those who are different nonetheless allowed Nia to flourish as a transgender girl. Thank you for the welcoming (back), I . Kara revealed she has a foster mother, explaining that her parents died in a "fire" when she was 13. Later, Nia had started dating Brainy and on their way to J'onn's place they passed Alex and Kelly Olsen, just as they were kissing. Just then, Supergirl managed to douse Leslie in water, shorting out her powers. Cat then threatened Kara for interfering, but Kara turns things around by offering to have the two dine together by getting them reservations. CatCo - Kara Danvers. However at the last minute, thanks to Lucy, Winn, and James, they managed to provide Cat information on Dirk. She says deleting herself from the networks would be a victory for those, who target them. Undaunted by Cat's rejection, Siobhan plans to sell the story to her old employer, the Daily Planet. She is even oblivious to the existence of most of her employees, such as Winn Schott. They are happily togetherOr they were happily together, until a heartbreaking truth come to the surface However, Iris ultimately declined the offer. The team faced off against Jean Rankin, who possessed magic thanks to Nyxly. Supergirl quickly discovered the pod, and she and J'onn J'onzz took the man to the D.E.O. As a result, she developed a penchant for justice and a strong desire to help and protect others who faced similar prejudice due to their identities. At Parthas, Nia and Kara had a wonderful time, but when Nia found her mother dead, she cursed herself for not realizing that spiders were the sign, having early interpret that flowers were the sign. After Menagerie was defeated by George Lockwood, Nia talked with Kara, and when she saw Brainy again, she silenced him by asking him to train her.[13]. Since Supergirl's job is a learning curve, Cat advised her to start with smaller targets and work her way up, similar to how the latter rose through the ranks at the Daily Planet. Rhea quickly succumbed to it and Mon-El left his mother to her fate as Kara had told him about how she had murdered her father. Arrowverse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The journey of Supercorp from when Lena first moved to National City Nia also helped Kara investigate William Dey. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Nia is found by Kara on CatCo balcony. Nia is at home with Yvette, who insists she stop moping about her ex and invites her out on her blind first date with someone she met online. The D.E.O. At the meeting when James asked for story ideas on the fashion district, Nia was about to speak up but was interrupted by fellow reporter Mackenzie, who immediately pitched an article emphasizing National City's cultural importance in fashion trends and pointed out she had contacts for exclusive interviews. I move too fast 'cause that's what I do. Cat and Winn returned to CatCo, still in devastation but Cat's attention was on her former office which had been taken over by James Olsen. When a giant cat attacked the city, the Superfriends went to confront him. Alex doesn't realize Kara's sick and pushes her while they're training. [14], Nia disguises herself as a rich lady so that Menagerie can follow her. Later, he gave Nia his Legion ring, which she wore in the last battle against Lex Luthor, but she returned it later. Nia in CatCo. It is heavily implied that Cat is a Conservative Democrat. In the elevator, Nia complained to the fellow occupant about her troubles before realizing it was none other than Kara. She quickly told Supergirl, just as Brainy realized that Rama Khan wanted to be there and was feigning defeat. Nia also participates in the protest of the aliens along with her friends. Skylar Jackson is an Alien. [29], Following her experiences in Midvale, Cat went on to found CatCo Worldwide Media, which she quickly developed into a powerful media organization. [5] Cat advises Kara to solve problems herself, after clashing with her new boss Snapper Carr and announces that she has decided to leave CatCo for a leave of absence and try to find new things to do, leaving James in charge.[1]. Nia dreamed the attack and saved Maeve, who realized Nia had received the power, and left disgusted. Dreamer and the Superfriends were tasked with stopping thieves who profited from stealing during the mayhem. 5. They were after a Kryptonian, and mistakenly captured a teen named Kenny Li, locking him in her cell shortly after. Her father's identity is unknown. 4. In January 2020, Nia went to the 2020 Peace Prize Award Ceremony. J'onn began to understand why Kara values them and allowed Alex to take them to D.E.O. After the 100th episode this alternative end came to my mind about Lena and Kara's relationship. Shortly after, Cat met with Supergirl on the balcony. Cat confessed she prioritized herself over Adam before, and that Kara was more like her and she thought. Nia is disappointed with the police's investigation and sets up her own Upswipz profile to find out the assailant. A blonde woman appears on all of the screens calling herself Indigo. Nia and Kara tried to trick Nyxly without success. If she was able to beat Rhea without sending him away? Will The Real Miss Tessmacher Please Stand Up? Cat penned an article for the Tribune on Supergirl's blunder at the port and ordered Kara to get it ready for posting. Annoyed at being forced to ride in a "human petri dish", she ordered her personal assistant, Kara Danvers, to have the responsible party "reprimanded or bathed". Cat who was upset over the dinner earlier because of the letter, which prompts Kara to go see Adam personally. But now, Nia had received the power, and she was afraid how Maeve would react. Work Search: 2. Nia revealed to Kara her half-human, half-Naltorian heritage, and that among her species, in every generation, one female receives a power to dream future events, like her mother has. [33], The next day, everyone is hit with the unexpected news of the death of Alex and Karas father. I'm different, Miss Danvers, but so is everybody. Wanting to impress Kara, Nia bought her a latte and planned to arrive right on time. Hiring issues During the drive, Nia said, that she hasn't yet told her about her powers to her parents, or her big sister, Maeve. as well as In order to free all the aliens, and get a message out, the pylons had to be deactivated. That night at the launch party, Cat was upset when Kara arrived late and asked about the printed copies of CatCo Magazine. Nia and Brainy were interrupted by Mxyzptlk, who wanted to help, but the duo refused his help When Kelly threw the bouquet, Nia snagged it with her powers; smiling to Brainy, implicating she wants them to get married next. Kara's cousin [23], Cat is present when Supergirl gives her speech, ceasing Myriad's control over the people of National City. Mon-El kept the child a secret from his mother. She also decided to come out as Supergirl and Cat interviewed her. However, Kara volunteered to go with her and drive all the way. And if you're so smart, Kerah, could you please give me one reason why I shouldn't fire you?Cat Grant to Kara Danvers. Nia explained she understands what that feels like and assured that Brainy's real friends would be there for him no matter what. Nia watched as Vita possessed Brainy to explain about the totem test. Kara Danvers Catco's memos palco2023. They proceeded to the reactor, and J'onn intended to use his psychic powers to overload the reactor, despite Brainy's warning he will likely die. Nia and Maeve then reconciled.[48]. Kara complimented the writing, yet found the paper's tone condescending due to Cat's impression of Supergirl as a typical millennial. Kara: You wanted me to get the job, you wanted me to reveal myself. [18], Cat demanded to know Kara's whereabouts was when she was absent from work. Nia agreed to help Kara and Brainy to find Agent Liberty. I stuck a label on the side of this girl, I branded her. Firing people is not always the answer in that situation, Cat (grunted) Four, heads will start to roll. Going with J'onn to distract Rama Khan, Nia watched as he appeared in the park; they did not anticipate the arrival of Tezumak to assist him. [29], In an alternate timeline created by Kara and Mxyzptlk in order to mend her friendship with Lena Luthor, Kara was forced to reveal her identity as Supergirl to the world in order to save Lena and Thomas Coville from Agent Liberty. He attacks her in order to force Dreamer to retire due to being a transgender super-heroine. Ultimately, Cat caved to PR pressure and omitted this detail from her piece. The team later built a portal but several phantoms escaped, but they managed to capture them again soon after. Foster" she had been sending money to is her estranged son, Adam. [36], Nia appears on the Leviathan ship and saves Brainy. Upon the discovery of "another hero" on Earth in National City, Cat named the superheroine "Supergirl" and helped make her to become the hero she is today. [15], Cat's email servers were later hacked, and Cat called for a meeting and asked the board to go through her e-mails for anything incriminating. Cat was also depicted a figure who gives inspiration. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Kara protested the downsizing, to which Cat pointed out that National City didn't have any extraordinary people or events like Metropolis with Superman. Watching a person play with a drone, CJ realized that the object may have been a UFO. Wherever I go I'm gonna be better because of you. The following day, Carter met with his mother before being sent off to school, asking if Kara could watch him again, though Cat refused.[8]. During their dinner, Kara acts as a mediator and after tense talking both Cat and Adam start having a normal mother-son relationship. left kudos on this work. You'll be in my heart. Rated: Fiction T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Kara D./Supergirl, Alex D., Eliza D., Lena L. - Chapters: 410 - Words: 737,423 - Reviews: 2,212 - Favs: 78 - Follows: 78 - Updated: 17h ago . [3], Cat started off at the Daily Planet as the personal assistant of Perry White. An owl tried to advise Nia not to listen to Nyxlyg, but the Imp tricked her. Memo: After a long discussion with Miss Grant, we are offering a special post with the Super family. [10], Kara and James notice Nia resting at her work area and when they go to wake her up, she forgets about it, disclosing to them she's been experiencing narcolepsy. Kara wondered why Cat was constantly criticizing Supergirl, claiming that Superman never faced such heavy backlash. Kara helps Cat out with getting to know Adam while at dinner, which later on becomes awkward and as expected does not go well after Adam found out about the letter. Despite Brainy being needed in the 31st century to repair the damage done to the Big Brain by the Evil One, Nia was surprised to see him return at Alex and Kelly's wedding. I'm a girl. Her family offered their unconditional love and support during this time. Willow Greene was the last to escape to Earth from her planet as it was destroyed. Huh? She had a dream where she had to tell Brainy to leave her alone as he played cards that had the face of Rama Khan on them; when she touched a card, Portland appeared in the dream. She knocked out two alien haters, after they tried to rough up an honest alien food seller. [11] At some point, she also "brokered peace" between Taylor and Kanye. What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?Brainy, Well, James said your passion for making the world a better place is matched only by the elegance of your prose, soAlex Danvers to Nia Nal. Supergirl stopped the elevator from crashing, saving Cat's life. Watch popular content from the following creators: Dylan(@kuxvo), amelie (@aedanvers), mels wife<3(@benqist), ashley(@multitvshow), chika(@mkaramels) . Internal Promotion, second part: the reaction of someone (Cat Grant most of the time probably). Later, Nia attended William Dey's funeral. But Nia was still troubled to tell Maeve. He breathed on a window, and Nia wrote "Shelley Island" on it, and Kara, Alex and Brainy immediately left for there.[19]. Brainy said the Children can't fight if they can't see, so Alex went to CatCo, and cut off the power, just as Nia, Kara and the rest at CatCo came under attack. She was able to get a match with the suspected assailant and dresses up as Dreamer for their date. Kara went to her apartment, where Nia had just had a dream about Agent Liberty. There, she discovered that Al had turned the bar into an underground hideout for aliens, after they were forced into hiding thanks to the repeal of the Alien Amnesty Act. She later saw Kara hug Alex when the team found Kara and Zor-El. Kara was weakened and beaten down by Rhea until Mon-El arrived with the switch for Lena's atmosphere device. Suddenly, the D.E.O. 5. Nia told Kara that it was dramatic. Nia is getting ready for the morning while Brainy continues to read her poetry he wrote. Despite these negative traits of Cat's, she does still have respect for Clark Kent, her former co-worker for whom she has romantic feelings, but she has a dislike for her other former co-worker, Lois Lane, who she is openly rude towards, likely because the latter is in a relationship with Clark. Cat was shocked to learn that Supergirl was not around to help. Soon after, Carter was introduced to Winn, who told Carter that he had good taste. From that moment, Nia started to act as Dreamer.[2]. [31], The following night, during the Chlorophyllian Amy Sapphire's attack at Obsidian Platform's launch, Nia saved some co-workers from her wrath.[32]. After the interview, Lockwood took the Children of Liberty to strike at CatCo, with the intention of apprehending Dreamer. When Supergirl begins to contemplate whether she can really save her friend and boyfriend on Rhea's ship that President Marsdin has ordered to be destroyed, Cat tells her to not give up hope that she can. Kara questions Cat's reason for hiring Lucy, only to have Cat accuse Kara of making eyes at James. Before Barry was struck by lightning, he actually lived on Earth-3. Hiring issues Outside her she is consoled by Winn, who offers to try to translate the dream for her, but she insists it was a reference to her feelings about Brainy, as the nickname she gave him was 'wildcat'. While somewhat shy, she has shown to be passionate about her new job, determined to tell a compelling story. Outside, Nia asked Brainy why he was trying to be on both sides of the fence, by working with Lex Luthor and the Superfriends; he refrained from giving an answer. Maybe Astra had a child to Kara was annoyed at the name, worried it would minimize the superheroine's importance. Siobhan reveals that she managed to get footage of Supergirl letting the K'hund escape. Nia openly revealed her heritage, how she was born in America, that she is trans woman, about what she likes and encouraged the people of National City to not to give in to hatred and fear of the unknown, but embrace it, that humans and aliens can co-exist in peace. Although she saved everyone, the hopelessness she saw there was overwhelming. A couple days later, Cat gave Kara a draft of the article to be published. mean while oliver know as arrow is celebrating his victory on the defeat of promethius. She wants to speak with Winn and sends Kara to find him. There, Cat attempted to appeal to Livewire by wondering if they could come to an agreement. She called Kara Danvers asking her where she was and had saved a seat at the ceremony for her. The first appeared in Season 1 of. Later, as Supergirl, Kara offers to apologize to Cat, but Cat tells her that she needs to win back National City's trust first. What's So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way? programmer, for help, though Cat initially didn't know who he was. There, Nia and Nyxly had a confrontation until Nyxly proposed a deal to revive her mother for a day. Cat's intense focus on her writing made her easily angered and irritable, as she demanded maintenance to fix the vents' piercing noise and threatened to throw a phone at Kara when the latter asked Cat to approve the appetizers for the launch party. To be successful, they knew that Rhea needed to be distracted and Cat had an idea for what to do and asked for Winn Schott to accompany her to CaCco. When Kara arrived, she talked to Nia about a really weird dream she had about all the worlds ending. [31], Sometime after this, Cat decided to sell CatCo, presumably to Lena Luthor, who later went on to sell the company to Andrea Rojas. In late 2015, as Cat arrived at work, she realized that someone had used in her private elevator due to a scent of residual cologne. Pleased, Cat ordered Kara to actively take credit for her accomplishments.[13]. Nia questions who could do this and J'onn thinks it may have been Manchester. One-shots and parallels with your favorite Arrowverse ship in the whole multiverse. And your boss, and powerful, and rich, and hot and smart. Later, Yvette is found by Nia. The guards were forced to intervene, and Nia and other aliens subdued them, giving Nia and J'onn the opportunity to deactivate the pylons. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #fanficsupergirl, #supergirlfan, #supergirlfanfic, #supernaturalfanfiction, #karasupergirl, #supergirl_fan . That woman was nine other than Le. However, she was late to work due to her roommate, Yvette, accidentally taking her rental car, leaving Nia to take the bus, where she spilled some coffee . When Kara was exposed to Red Kryptonite her personality changed and turned up to work wearing somewhat more stylish attire than normal. She convinced people to fight and to not lose hope and it greatly lifted people's spirit. [6], While still young, Cat met and married a man, having a son together called Adam Foster. She holds others to that strict standard as well, saying that "sleeping is for slackers" and that everyone has to "squeeze every drop of time out of a day". After the immortals suddenly disappeared, Nia told her dream to M'gann that she saw Brainy dying, crying and alone after he had saved them. Episodes Supergirl Select a season Release year: 2015 Initiative is so hard to find from a generation raised on being spoon fed everything from helicopter parents. Starring: Melissa Benoist, Mehcad Brooks, Chyler Leigh Creators: Greg Berlanti, Andrew Kreisberg, Ali Adler Watch all you want. Incensed over the situation, she gave Kara permission to return to her family but the latter refused, not wanting to leave Cat alone. 2020 Peace Prize Award Ceremony in January 2020, Nia bought her a box which! Into CatCo to help n't build a company like CatCo by being a wallflower and having! Steel agreed to learn, where Nia had received the power, and explained Kara. Is celebrating his victory on the defeat of promethius was taken for interrogation, Nia! January 2020, Nia bought her a box, which her mother wanted to! See her foster mother, explaining that her parents died in a `` fire '' when she was afraid Maeve! 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