Hobi: Dont recall using those words but i would be quick to call her cute or anything. A task that wasnt so hard since you found yourself drifting into a daydream while staring out the window. With that, he assumed you were still out shopping with Taehyung. Lets get you to bed. In response you mumbled something he couldnt quite catch. I'm here for you and I always will be. Not noticing that you were dozing off, Namjoon asks, So which cafe did you want to go to: the one in the building or down the street?. You didnt want to entertain his question with an answer but you did eventually break down and agreed to meet his friends. He told you to head to the car while he said his goodbyes. Once he sat next to you on the sofa, he put his arm around you and brought you closer to him. Even if it was unnecessary, at least the effort youve put on your appearance boosted your confidence a bit. You couldnt believe it when your longtime crush Hoseok began talking to you. Everyone eagerly dug into their plates as you just sipped your water, hoping it will calm your nerves. No thank you for coming, he replies with a cheery smile on his face. You spent the entire day having fun with everyone; eating snacks, playing party games and just overall playing around. Your voice was groggy and raspy but Jimin was too chipper to notice. You didnt know that Jungkook thought this way about you and you worried if the others felt the same way. If you ever feel depressed or anything, you know you can talk to me, right?" Originally posted by yoongiyi. Still seeing your bleeding body in front of his eyes, he would turn to you, hearing your steady breath which makes him feel at ease. Feeling like a burden on others is one among many other negative feelings that low self-esteem brings with it. For this one and all of the other stories in this series, i used a prompt from a list by @excusemekpop ]. I really wished you loved yourself better, Y/N, said Yoongi. Of course Yoongi thought your prep was unnecessary but you wanted to make a great impression on his friends. I can see why you love him so much.". Im sorry, Y/N, he says genuinely. Thanks for the request @bangtanlaboratory and I hope you all enjoy], Warning: Numerous instances of discrimination, some stronglanguage. How much did you hear?, I only heard what Yoongi said then immediately went towards the room. However, when he told you he wanted to introduce you to his friends, thats when you broke out of your blissful reverie. Obviously, you didnt have the balls to ask Namjoon out right then and there. I love you, Y/N." Jung Hoseok: A very cute request from @kooksdior Im sorry I took so long with this >_<]. Thats when she pulled you aside and told you the truth. Taehyung rubs on your back for comfort as he gives a stern look to Hoseok. Despite not being able to contribute to the conversation, he was just happy that two of the most favorite people in the world were getting along. However, your thumb accidentally slid across the phone screen and it opened to his messaging app. 4. Hoseoks girlfriend proceeds to slightly hit him hard on the shoulder. So when you and him made it official, he couldnt wait to introduce you to his leader. After getting into your car, you drove to the nearest parking lot you could find and sat there in the silence. You look down at your coffee mug and sighed. But I did take a little break from working and watched some Pride and Prejudice. However, there was one issue at hand: you were unbelievably exhausted. Just them though. Right? And with an unexpectant guess. While you did love Hoseok to death, you prefer Taehyungs sophisticated fashion sense over his flamboyant, hypebeast style. His attention does break from you when he feels a sudden pat on the shoulder. You read their most recent texts, then instantly regretted it. Looks like it's about to happen again as he pulls up to a red light. It may make you hold back from being your true self, asking for help, or setting boundaries. Why was he holding you like that? He said he had to run off somewhere. He was just happy that the most important people in his life were finally in one place. Annoyed and still heavy with sleep, you grabbed Yoongis phone and turned to shake him awake. The same goes for the people who followed me after reading my fics or just because you care enough to see my posts! They made a mistake with our order, thats why the wait was long. What the absolute fuck?, Jimin murmured, totally dumbstrucked of what he was witnessing. You nervously giggled. Feeling like a burden means that you're frequently afraid that you're inconveniencing, annoying, or frustrating other people. You didnt know how to respond so you giggled nervously. Stop it Y/N, you make my heart warm too often these days." Hoseok woke up, feeling your weight on him. He shoved his beer onto Namjoons hand before walking over to you and Jungkook, who was still holding unto you. Your eyes were still staring into the darkness and you sounded as if you were reciting some demonic spell. Hobi: Well she seemed desperate enough to fool around with so I thought why not? If you did wake up, he would hush you to sleep and never talk about his dream with you. BTS Reactions To You Accidentally Giving Them A Boner Seokjin: . I need to get some Reeses Cups before I forget., [Note: Hi readers! When You Ask Him To Hold You ~ BTS Reaction Jin: His eyes continued to study you as you wriggled around restlessly on the sofa, struggling to find a comfortable position as you battled with the pressure that was building in the back of your mind. Its time for me to go. Hows your morning going?. Oh yeah, she does that sometimes. It wasnt until he heard you softly snoring that he attention was brought to you. Todays been so busy for me. While he didnt know what exactly you were baking, it was already making his mouth water and got him right out of bed. It was a calm, lazy Sunday afternoon when you and Yoongi decided to take a nice nap together. Feeling as if he just got reprimanded by his mother, Jin placed the groceries on the kitchen counter and stomped all the way to the bedroom. And do it before someone else takes her away.". No one else could ever compare to you.. But despite being a bit jealous, he trusted you and knew you wouldnt do anything fishy with his friend. !, you cried. Utterly speechless, Jimin continues to gawk at you like a freakshow. You were just so happy to be with someone you can be fully relaxed with. Feeling like a burden can cause serious disruption to our lives by keeping us from sharing our struggles with people who care about us. That when he asked you out, you thought he was either pulling a cruel prank on you or he was some powerful drugs. Oh, not at all, sweetie. However you two werent so invested in it. Oftentimes, our mind plays tricks on us by telling us that we are not worthy of our loved one's time, or that if we seek too much help, people will love us less. You looked up and closed your book. But when one day he asked to sit next with you at the universitys cafe, it was practically a dream come true! And that same compassion is what you need to extend to yourself. With you being a very intelligent and thoughtful young woman, he knew the two of you would hit it off. Y/N? Oh man I didnt expect this thank you so much queen this means a whole lot! You better make it your wallpaper, I'm obviously the best member." You both laughed and you handed you phone over, his arm wrapped around your shoulder as you both smiled happily for the picture. As you and Yoongi walk into the busy and warmly lit bar, you instantly hear a sharp shout from the other end of the establishment. Im home!, Seokjin yells as he walks into the living room of the apartment you two share. But you were too busy to hear Jungkook; you were currently on the phone with Namjoon about the book youve just finished. That very visit, you decided to spend the night at the dorm. Once Yoongi takes the phone from you and leaves for the other room, you lay back in bed and, in no time, continue your nap. Ive been working on this for awhile and I feel pretty proud of the results. After blushing and sweating for 30 minutes afterwards, he would beat himself up internally for losing his cool and wait for your response. He texted you he was running a bit late so all you could really do was wait patiently for him. You obviously need to cool off., No! Just going over you listen to Yoongi say before drifting into one of your vivid daydreams. Im happy that you and Jimin had become great friends, its just that seeing you two so close together like that got me feeling a bit jealous.. How was your day?. To be perfectly honest, Jungkook, I like that fact that Im the one Y/N comes to when she needs help. Feeling a bit nosy, you decided to pick up his phone to see what notification he received. An hour and a nap later, Jin feels that hes completely calmed down and heads toward the kitchen to start dinner. Jimin: Y/N? Jimin faintly smiles at you. I told him that youre my sleeping beauty and I wouldnt change that about you., His lovely compliment catches you off guard, causing a light blush to appear on your face. You even heard his name a couple of times throughout your monolog, which didnt help at all. You didnt consider yourself a gross eater, you just become hyper-aware when you eat around others. Upon becoming friends with everyone, Jungkook latched on to you the fastest. Pulling back from the hug, he says hurriedly, Uh, I have to run some errands. Painfully so.. BTS Reaction - When You're Feeling Down Suga Suga would probably try to act like everything was normal for a while to see if whatever was bothering you would go away on its own. While this made you feel extremely special, you were also scared out of your mind that youll embarrass yourself in front of them. "Yeah, that was a pretty decent movie.". Come on, Y/N. Whats wrong?, he asked, You look like youre about to cry.. However, I was only able to finish the hyung line parts at the moment. Hey, hyung, he says in a rather serious tone, Please dont bully my honey pie., Hoseok scoffs in return. Before having the chance to open the passenger door, Jungkook spins you around and pulls you into his embrace. Gazing lovingly in your eyes, he opens, "I would call you my absolute dumbass. He didnt understand how someone as fiercely independent as his hyung would be interested in someone who is the complete opposite. We were going to invite you to join us but you can forget it. The past few days have posed a new challenge for my family. What made you nervous was that this date was actually a double date with Hoseok and his own girlfriend. For once, you actually put effort into your wedding appearance. And honestly, you felt like he was taking a little too long with the food. So dont worry too much about her or our relationship, okay? He finishes his speech with a friendly pat on Jungkooks shoulder.. I put together a follow forever list because these are people who I really admire as content creators, and as people. Hyung, Namjoon says while placing a friendly hand on Hoseoks shoulder, Im sorry for what happened earlier. he'd trail slow kisses down your body before taking off your pants, leaving you bare. Ready to go? he playfully asks you. Easier said than done, you replied, laughing at his comment as if it was a funny joke. Still disturbed from what happened, Taehyung stuttered a Yes, sure. Even though you wanted so bad to be near your best friend of almost five years, you knew your heart wouldnt take being around. Hey sorry babe, Hoseok says as he walks into the apartment, setting the containers of takeout on the kitchen counter. Jimin: But why? Your unexpected question catches your friend off guard. Hello, he heard you answer. Me. After hearing the click of the bathroom door closing, Hoseok turns to Taehyung, who went back to scrolling through his phone. But why hyung?, Jungkook says, hearing the slight hurt in his voice. But as you collapsed into his lap and immediately fell back to sleep, he couldnt help but smile at your vulnerable state. Hes not a good guy, Y/N. When the party was over, Jimin called a taxi for you and the two of you chatted about ow great the party was while standing around outside. You just gave him a side eye before leaving him alone in the room. Im starving, you whined in your head. Taehyungs seemingly lighthearted remark caught you off guard. V: //happy that you came to him, but// "Do we really need to sleep with the light on though? Youre obviously an amazing person, Y/N. Originally posted by joonsoulmap-archived, [Note: I know I made a similar excuse last time but I really tried to finish this up during the weekend. On your way to the studio, you were about to turn a corner when you see your boyfriend and Jungkook in the hallway. Or embarrassing as a handful of passersby gave quizzical looks at you. Before even hearing Namjoons response, you quickly walked to his bedroom and buried yourself in his sheets. He contemplates waking you up or leaving you alone to nap, but he ultimately chooses the former. And it was days like this that you truly look forward to. Unbothered, Yoongi took a sip of his coffee. "Y/n, I promise that life is worth living. But when he realized that you really weren't feeling like yourself he would sit you down and ask you straight up what was bothering you. Its pretty long, Jimin says before he clicks the play button on the Netflix screen. In one of these conversations, you found that he was single and that he wasnt planning on taking a date to the big day. Knowing better to not disobey this particular hyung of his, Taehyung turns to you with apologetic eyes. Not only did you message him about the wedding, it soon evolved into friendly conversations about each others lives. ", Hoseok smiles at Namjoon, "Of course, buddy., You and Jimin have been best friends for a long time. Yoongi thought you were having a fun night but he did know you get panicky sometimes. You were about to leave when you heard Hoseok beginning to speak. Jin: The second your tears started, he panicked. Seeing your reaction, Yoongi glares at Taehyung. "Well, you began, Ive always had the biggest crush on him., Jimin almost stops the car when he heard you say that, What?! Im just not sure if I like her yet, Jin says to Jungkook, neither noticing you in the room yet. But, you have to let me take care of you the same way." Still half asleep, you look at Hoseok with drowsy eyes and softly mutters a phrase in your mothers tongue. So to make it up to Hoseok, Namjoon decided to pick up a box of his favorite desserts and make a surprise visit to his apartment. And to add that fact that youve been stressed out lately and he was too busy to notice, Namjoon couldnt help but feel like the biggest dickhead in the world right now. He instantly snaps out of it when he sees his 6 year old daughter running towards him. We were only there for 2 hours and seven guys came up to us and started hitting on them. No one really noticed how distracted Jimin seemed. It definitely didnt help having gorgeous sisters or even a friend as good looking as Jin. He'd lick his lips a lot more than usual, and find a lot more reasons to touch you. Taehyung chuckled nervously, not daring to say anything. The second Hoseok opens the bedroom door, the first thing he sees is Taehyung sitting on the edge of your guys king sized bed, scrolling through his phone. Seriously?". It didnt matter what you two ended up doing, there was never a dull moment between you two. I wonder if Y/N has ever heard of this place? I bet Y/N would love street tacos. Your attempts to hide your true feelings to the guys was in vain as they could sense that you were in his mind for the majority of the trip. The ending of the movie made me think about if the conversation was between me and my boyfriend and it inspired me to write this super short fic. And because of the support and friendship you give him, Jimin is more than thankful to have you in his life. Even though this wasnt your first time hanging out with anyone from the group, let alone Hoseok, you still get anxious in settings like this. See you later.. Maybe a little two chill since you were beginning to fall asleep. Jin was unaware of your internal battle as he was too invested in the movie. Wanna know what I told him?, he asked you. He has been there through every hospital appointment, every hospital stay, and he looks after me and our . Having the campus hottie showing an interest you wouldnt have thought things would get better for you. I got something for you. Seeing that someone else was making you this happy really made him jealous. On your very meeting, you and Namjoon got into a deep conversation about literature, a subject that Jungkook didnt have much interest in. He walks over to you and light taps on your shoulder, walking you up. Originally posted by jhope-shi It had been hours when you and Taehyung turned in for bed and both of you were fast asleep. He walks around the apartment, only finding you moments later, snoozing on the couch. Not that you're complaining though, you're just as addicted to his lips as he is to yours. You fucking asshole! And wept. What the fuck, Y/N? You were waiting for Hoseok to come back home from picking up food at your favorite restaurant. Is the movie already over? you said groggily, rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes. The four of you were sitting together at a fancy restaurant, and you tried your best to ease your nervousness by engaging in the conversation. Go ahead and have fun with the others, he remembers you saying to him the last time you two spoke on the phone. You wrap your arms around his neck and give him a tender kiss. Yeah, Im just not that hungry for some reason.. I know this great place nearby, youll love it.". "I used to love these when I was growing up with my brother." "I played that when I was a lot younger, like a small child." And boy, did he. He still wouldnt look up at you so you cupped his right cheek to coax him into facing you. Imagine being a child and feeling that you are a burden. The laughing stopped once Yoongi grabbed Jungkook by the shoulders and straightened the boys body himself. Now hurry up and put those groceries up.. I never meant to make you feel like this. Feeling overwhelmed by your problems is difficult on its own, but when you feel like your problems are causing you to become a burden around everyone else, those feelings are magnified. You know that I can't sleep when there's light.". Soon enough, hell see you how I see you: an amazing and beautiful girl.. Rap Monster: "Honestly, I have no idea . You worked so hard to get ready for this night and it took one nasty comment to send you crashing down. Jin felt absolutely terrible. You focused on your breathing for a few minutes which definitely helped calm your nerves. Despite this, you always urge him to keep talking since you snapped out of it at some point. These negative emotions motivate us to stop violating reciprocity and rebalance our relationships. Knowing him, he most likely wouldnt take me seriously and just use the opportunity to make fun of me lol. Mortified, Jimin calls out to you. This definitely wasnt the first time you spaced out while he was speaking. Jin also didnt expect coming home to find you and Jimin sitting extra close on the sofa, watching TV. But Hoseok doesnt answer him, only shooting him an expression that warns the phrase: Do as you are told. Seeing this rare but terrifying look on his face, Taehyung gulps and quickly stands up. Okay, thank god this actually fits because-, you stopped once you noticed your boyfriend in the room. Since you were already at home, he knew you would just let Jimin in. ", Yoongi switches off the TV and turns to you. You were practically his own little personal baker. But deter the boys from warmly welcoming you. Especially knowing that Jin himself will be super busy the entire weekend. You don't need to feel insecure tho, you are perfect the way you are. You knew snooping on someones phone was not only a bad idea, but a total invasion of privacy. Im not gonna fall asleep this time. You said this with such confidence but the boys didnt buy it. I wasnt in it myself but you and Namjoon were there. Everyone excused your hatred for weddings as you being a curmudgeon. He has had a long and stressful day at the studio so seeing the sight of you walking towards him wiped away any tiredness hes been feeling. BTS Reaction | You React to Them Calling You Ugly [Part 1: The Hyung Line] [A/N: When I first got this request, I knew it was going to be a challenge. Possibly making Jungkook regret being interested in you in the first place. "How about this: later on today, Ill bake you some chocolate chip cookies. But the real reason you werent a fan of them was that deep inside you knew you that no one would ever make you their bride. That should be on the other side of the store. As the two of you were heading towards the dairy section, you suddenly gasped. It takes him a few seconds to register what was going on but pieces everything together with the sound of his ringtone and disgruntled expression on your face. As you two were watching the film, you felt your eyes getting heavier and heavier. When Taehyung got to the kitchen, he found you cleaning up the countertop with your back facing towards him. Namjoon felt extremely guilty for snapping at Hoseok earlier at the studio today. Thats a random question, he says with a light laugh, What brought this up?. It also helped you pass out right on the couch. Not only do you two get to spend quality time together, you two also took turns when it comes to picking that nights movie. 25 minutes in - a new record for you, he teased. Flustered, you gave yourself facepalm. Whats the worst that could happen?, he asked. You look at him for a moment as Jungkook gazes out of the window. And unfortunately for Hoseok, he said the wrong thing at the wrong time and Namjoon unleashed his anger at him. But even if he was mad, it doesnt matter, he says assuringly. After all, he was the reason why Jungkook decided to join BTS. It was so maddening and gut wrenching, he didnt know what to do. Wait, you said as you released yourself from his embrace. Hyungs, Jungkook begins excitedly, this is my girlfriend, Y/N.. He even avoids sitting and speaking to you due to you sometimes smelling like strong brine. Rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you only reply with a smile on your face. Like youre one to Hoseok. ! He tried to grab the phone from your hands before you threw hard at his chest. Those arent for you, I made them for Seokjin. Two reasons may underlie the tendency to hold back feelings. The guys didnt just see you as Yoongis girlfriend; you were also their friend and you felt the same way towards them. Now, you may find that other people are less tolerant or understanding. And because of his supportive and caring nature, you always went to him whenever you needed something. The men were pretty normal, none of them really catching your eye. To be honest, you were more than content dreamily gazing at him whenever you caught him around campus. You are full of shit Taehyung ! Okay, open., [A/N: Despite this one taking me awhile to write, it was actually fun to think of these scenarios. Advertisement I wasnt able to try some of them on at some of the stores, you answered matter of factly. But this is the last one, you swore to yourself. Since Im not used to writing smut, Im kinda embarrassed of this story but who knows, someone might like this one. But after some persistence on his end, you decided to stuff down your insecurities and took a chance with love. At that moment, of all the jealous feelings that Jungkook has held seemed to disappear, feeling rather silly to have these feelings in the first place. Ask Namjoon out right on the phone with Namjoon about the book youve just finished crashing.! 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