[5], After law school, Strangio worked as a public defender for Dean Spade, the first openly trans law professor in the U.S.[6] Spade's work had inspired Strangio while he was in college. U.S. District Judge Jay Moody issued the ruling Wednesday blocking the enforcement of Act 626, which would have been gone into effect on July 28.The act blocks any transgender child from seeking or by Anne Sewell September 14, 2016 at 5:03 AM September 14, 2016 at 5:03 AM Chase Strangio (born October 29, 1982) is an American lawyer and transgender rights activist. Blaire White Youtubers is trans? It's the least salient identity in the world. Accouplement Chevaux Sauvages, The court is going to decide this question. Major, youre older than me. But the reality that these lawmakers and other anti-trans forces will eventually have to face is that when transgender young people are able to access health care, play sports, go to the restroom without fear and use pronouns that affirm who they are, nothing bad happens to anyone. Theyre trying their best to put us back in the fifties, or the twenties, said Major during a recent Zoom call, speaking to American Civil Liberties Union lawyer Chase Strangio. To change your comments display name, click here. So Chase's voice has absolutely nothing to do with his political opinions. The GOPs attack on trans kids health care, explained. Activist, heal thyself. Harris Funeral Homes Inc. v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, "Love Is: Revolutionary Joy | Chase Strangio", "#Pride30: ACLU Lawyer Chase Strangio Is Fighting for Trans Justice", "The Trans Lawyer Fighting to Keep His Community Alive", "Chelsea Manning's Lawyer Knows How to Fight Transgender DiscriminationHe's Lived It", "Trump's War on Trans Rights: A Q&A With Chase Strangio", "The trans lawyer who defended trans rights in the landmark Supreme Court case has a sobering warning", "Laverne Cox's 2019 Emmys Date Is Bringing Attention To A Vital Court Case", "Emmys 2019: Laverne Cox's Political Rainbow Purse Had a Secret Message", "Emmys 2019: Laverne Cox's clutch has an important pro-LGBTQ message", "What landmark Supreme Court ruling means for LGBTQ rights", "The Ongoing Death of Free Speech: Prominent ACLU Lawyer Cheers Suppression of a New Book", "Discrimination law puts North Carolina in legal hot seat", "Chelsea Manning's Attorney: 'This Has Saved Her Life', "Transgender rights under fire in Trump era", "Is banning trans troops a legal tactic to reverse civil rights? By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This content can also be viewed on the site it originates from. A law that bans transgender Arkansans younger than 18 from accessing transition-related health care, has been blocked from becoming law. Why do you want people silenced, Strangio? pic.twitter.com/vetbQFe3Oo, (((Jason Rantz))) on KTTH Radio (@jasonrantz) May 24, 2021. The moment detransitioning become a potential viable path they know theyll consider it and their entire life will come collapsing in around them. Chase Strangio with the ACLU speaks to reporters after the ruling. This is a serious problem. Post anything about gender detransition. Welcome to Trans Futures Week, a project that joins our community's foremost thinkers in historic discussions about the future of transgender storytelling, power, healthcare, and more. I'm gonna second a comment below. I wouldn't put it past him to claim detrans status. What the HELL is going on in Wyoming? I agree. @chasestrangio. By SARAH KELLOGG. Find the full series here as new conversations roll out each day. I also had orthopedic knee surgery at 14 and often regret it. I think that whatever happens in South Dakota will ultimately set the tone for the rest of session, so its critical that we stop that bill there, so that we can continue to build momentum to ensure that were able to protect trans young people from these really egregious attacks all over the country. Rather, theyre motivated by some adults need to police young peoples bodies and to make them align with those adults expectations of how young male and female bodies should look. What these bills would succeed at, if they passed, would be taking those critical tools away from an already vulnerable population of young people to score political points in a distant culture war and ultimately to open the door for the state to police the bodies of all female athletes based on how they look. Especially when many stories noted did not follow responsible medical practice, one would think trans activists would want these done ethically, but nope. Weve been around since time began. American lawyer and transgender rights activist, R.G. Chase Strangio is a trans activist and staff attorney at the ACLU in New York City. This is a new political construct that's designed to exclude, not to define. IE 11 is not supported. Strangio said Alabamas bill, which the state Senate passed this month, is the most extreme medical bill so far, because it would ban care for trans people up to 19 years old, and it includes felony penalties. Making us detransitioners look bad may help you feel better about yourself but does nothing to help us. Republicans blocking school choice REALLY?! We are so powerful. Detrans Youth Stories they Didn't Want you to Hear, in 60 United States. He was counsel for Chelsea Manning in her lawsuit against the Department of Defense for denial of health care related to gender transition and was part of the team that organized around her commutation. I took from it that extensive psychological exploration should be done to safeguard children and young people from making' the wrong choice. So glad Joe Biden just decided to cancel $10,000 to $20,000 in student loans for people like Chase Strangio. Along with Raquel Willis, Strangio is a main organizer of Transgender Week CS: When will we have full liberation? Chase Strangio, the Deputy Director of Transgender Justice at the ACLU, sits down with Imara Jones as part of TransLash Media's 'Future of Trans' documentary to discuss trans futures and what they look like. Your response to what you were seeing on the floor of the South Dakota Legislature? You try something, and if it works, you tell someone else. ", "Laverne Cox: We exist, we deserve human rights", "This Lawyer Is Fighting a Deeply Personal Battle for Trans Rights", "SRLP's Gabriel Foster, Chase Strangio and Bali White honored by the Trans 100! Janmashtami 2020 Uk, Your email address will not be published. After having started on hormone blockers at just 11 years old, Jennings had surgery to turn her penis into a vagina (Jennings has undergone multiple gender confirmation surgeries and has, by her own admission, experienced complications). AMY GOODMAN: So, can you talk about the legislation that is being introduced around the country right now, the anti-trans legislation? [11][12][13], In June 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court decided 63 in favor of Gerald Bostock, a gay man terminated from his job due to discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, in Bostock v. Clayton County. Lincoln Project pounces on Jeb Bushs endorsement of Gov. And kudos to @60Minutes for responsibly handling it. Transgender Activists Do Not Want You To Hear Stories Of Gender Transition Regret. Our struggle is about so much more than any one bill, or any one legislative session. I dont have to wear wings and shit like that. Find yourself someone who loves you as much as the ACLU loves suppressing news stories. Chase Strangio isnt an advocate for anything except his own agenda. Her Caitlyn - Not Your Typical Trans Story Shameful fearmongering? WebThe woman at the center of the first transgender-rights case to come before the Supreme Court died before a decision was handed down. pic.twitter.com/oIUWYUXv8k. Strangio tweeted: Every time I looked away from my computer today, another anti-trans bill was filed. But Im free now. Erase their lived experience because it's inconvenient for your narrative. He seems to have made a name for himself mostly by calling anyone who even remotely questions aspects of radical trans advocacy as a transphobic white supremacist bigot, which I feel like isnt anything to celebrate or admire. YOU HAVE 20,000 FOLLOWERS: $100 per post at a $5/CPM. [5], In 2012, Strangio and trans activist Lorena Borjas founded the Lorena Borjas Community Fund to provide bail and bond assistance to trans people. What the hell is a sexed body? Miss Major: To me, what we have to do is be prepared to fight back by any means necessary. All of their premises are false, and our everyday existence is evidence. Miss Major & Chase Strangio: The Irrepressible Future of Trans & G.R. Chase Strangio (@chasestrangio) September 26, 2022 That really sucks about your knee surgery, Chase, but it didnt require rewiring your endocrine system in So it's unlikely to be resolved through litigation before the 2020 election. No one can help us but us. But in no way whatsoever should anyone of any age be taking any advice from Chase Strangio. Strangio knows, probably more than anyone, why youth transition is controversial. Not one of these lawmakers has introduced legislation to actually invest in womens sports. As we watch, trans activists are falling into incoherence along with their self-ID philosophy, but this only makes them more hateful towards dissenters. And that does it for our show. Chase Strangio (@chasestrangio) September 13, 2016 This is a monumental day for Chelsea, who can now enjoy some peace knowing that critically needed medical care is And, as a transgender Bills in at least 20 states are targeting the transgender community in what LGBTQ advocates say This is what comes of seeking external solutions to internal problems. U.S. Army whistleblower, Chelsea Manning, has ended her hunger strike after officials have agreed to give her the gender transition surgery she needs. We need you right now to help us do this vital work: Will you strengthen critical, truth-telling journalism by making a monthly donation in any amount? Maybe you take this post and turn the critique inward, to your opinions and biases. I dont need no permission from outside my front door. He was there fighting a bill that, if passed, would criminalize doctors who provide adolescents with gender-affirming care. ACLU lawyer, Chase Strangio, began a 5 part thread with, 60Minutes, Lesley Stahl, Alexandra Poolos, and Collette Richards knew exactly the harm they were causing with last nights segment. Abide by our rules (listed in the right rail below) These efforts to attack trans young people are driven by the same fundamental goals as previous attempts to restrict all transgender people from using All we want is for the next generation to experience something better than what we had. And so it begins. So the defense is really offense in way, as were working together to hold back these violent systems to protect the people who are doing the most creative, beautiful building, like what Majors done in Little Rock. [23], In 2021 and 2022, Chase worked with the ACLU to fight against state legislation seeking to prohibit children from accessing treatment for gender transition. Whats happened? 223 I dont imagine her living a private life, said Chase Strangio, Mannings lawyer and a staff attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, in an interview with The Daily Beast. And it should also be noted that in the states where categorical bans on care have passed legislatively Arkansas and Alabama people are unable to get top surgery under 18 already regardless of how serious the need. They dont make it easy, but they dont make it hard enough [laughs]. When is the "right moment" for people like myself to have our voices heard? In at least 12 states right now,efforts are afoot that include actually criminalizing health care for transgender youth (as in, send doctors to prison for following medical treatment protocols to help trans youth) as well as banning all transgender young people from participating in age-appropriate athletic programs. Whats our offense? Trans people die seeking the care they need to live. Sign up for Thems weekly newsletter here. Wrong. But ACLU lawyer and militant trans activist Chase Strangio doesnt want them to understand what theyre signing up for. Connie He has a dedicated Wikipedia profile written all about his career He went on to attend Northeastern University School of Law. In a 30-year longitudinal study, gender reassignment surgery patients had a 19 times higher rate of completed suicide than the general population. I find a lot of your posts just aren't effectively supportive of detransitioners. That really sucks about your knee surgery, Chase, but it didnt require rewiring your endocrine system in order to be able to get it. https://t.co/nK1i2vWSCO, Colin Wright (@SwipeWright) September 26, 2022. What the HELL is going on in Wyoming? This year, Tennessee, Oklahoma, Montana, New Hampshire, North Dakota and Kentucky have already introduced similar bans. Chase Strangio (r) met with ACLU client Chelsea Manning after Manning's release from prison in 2017. So, yes. Believes people who identify as transgender can never be legally or socially protected on the basis that Before trans people came into the picture, there is no regime that's created-CHASE STRANGIO: Completely. Are they getting a lot of response from around the country? ", CHASE STRANGIO: You could make the same argument as to both. Then they get the car or the woman or the gender transition only to find they are the same miserable cusses they were before. So were talking about care that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends, that the American Medical Association recommends. MM: I agree wholeheartedly. I was on T for 9 years and never passed as male on the phone. Please submit a letter to the editor. "I've been doing this work a long time, and frankly, never really seen anything like this, in terms of the nature of the rhetoric and the sweeping nature Chase Strangio is a staff attorney with the ACLUs LGBT & HIV Project. They focus on your personal outrage which you tend to present as though it's for our benefit. I think youre a marvel, and nothing can take away from who you are. Before trans people came into the picture, there is no regime that's created-CHASE STRANGIO: Completely. He was also part of the team suing on behalf of trans student Gavin Grimm, who was denied access to the boys' restrooms at his school. I have a feeling that a lot of trans people are closer to detransition than they let on. This is a space intended to support detransitioners. And under the bill, they would be perfectly fine if used for other conditions. She knows a thing or two about this battle. Transgender rights activism. While lawmakers and proponents of these bills claim they are necessary to save womens sports, most supporters of the legislation cant point to a single trans youth athlete in their state, let alone one who has ever displaced a nontransgender athlete, and no one can explain how they save womens sports. And so, we have lawmakers equipped with information about how young people can either live or die, and they are choosing, quite clearly, the path of increasing the likelihood that our communities suffer serious harm, including early death. Whats happened? And we are every day going to fight back against that. After graduation, he worked as a paralegal at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD). Is Tego Calderon Dominican, [7] Strangio served as lead counsel for the ACLU team representing transgender U.S. Army soldier Chelsea Manning. It didnt disrupt the development of sex organs or transform your genitalia. After law school, Strangio worked as a public defender for Dean Spade, the first openly trans law professor in the U.S. [6] Spade's work had inspired Strangio while he was in college. [5] In 2012, Strangio and trans activist Lorena Borjas founded the Lorena Borjas Community Fund to provide bail and bond assistance to trans people. [8] [5] Believes people who identify as transgender can never be legally or socially protected on the basis that Chase Strangio is a Staff Attorney with the LGBT & HIV Project at the ACLU. It just hit me that you're actually implying that Chase Strangio is (medically) detrans and trying to say that makes him a hypocrite when he weighs in on childhood medical transition. And the impacts of these bills, if passed, would be immediate, forcing young people already receiving treatment off of it and removing them from care that has allowed them to manage distress and embrace their own, individual processes of learning about and celebrating their bodies and identities. And Im confident that there are trans advocates who do believe that. [14][15], In November 2020, journalist Glenn Greenwald criticized Strangio's comments about the book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters by Abigail Shrier. Many people think, "If only I had that new car/a prettier wife/X number of followers on social media/a body of the opposite sex, I would be happy." On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 27-year-old Blair White (Blaire White) calls himself a center-right political commentator, and his YouTube videos often criticize other transgender people, social justice The Dangerous Inversions of the Debate Around Trans Censorship. 2. You learn different things from different people. Them is the award-winning authority on what LGBTQ+ means today and tomorrow. Chase Strangio, the deputy director for transgender justice with the ACLUs LGBTQ & HIV Project, said the veto-override came despite pushback from doctors. 60 Minutes framed the story around transgender healthcare access and criticized FIGHT UNCONSTITUTIONAL ABORTION BANS. Ron DeSantiss book is already a #1 bestseller on Amazon, See Chicago Mayor General Election results HERE live on Twitchy, #DontSayTHEY: DeSantis Republicans pushing to expand so-called Dont Say Gay law, Judd Legum upset that he and David Hogg have been tagged with Community Notes, Rep. Jamaal Bowman demands that SCOTUS follow the law and cancel student debt, NBC News: Tennessee governor, who wants to restrict the art form of drag, was a drag queen in 1977. In states across the country, transgender young people have had to listen to their government speak about them as "twisted" and try to cast them out of public space. Lincoln Project pounces on Jeb Bushs endorsement of Gov. Randi Weingarten absolutely melts down on SCOTUS steps (watch), President Joe Biden is off to Virginia Beach to talk about health care, You BEST bring receipts: Dana Loesch WHOOPS Laura Loomer in HEATED back-and-forth about, AV Club ftes good news about canceled ex-Mandalorian star Gina Carano and gets, WASSAMATTA? His exact age and date of birth is unknown. The Arkansas Senate on Monday approved a bill that would ban gender transition procedures on minors, sending it to the governors desk.. By Dan Avery. By contrast, my top surgery had no complications and enabled my life to be full and free. And obviously if young people can get this care from a doctor, then we should want that. So should no detrans people have a say in the medical ethics of transition. We still got it. This is all happening in the same context that were seeing the criminalization of abortion care, that were continuing to see the massive suppression of Im Amy Goodman. But I have this memory of writing my father an email in 2000, around the election. For an optimal experience visit our site on another browser. Arkansas just became to the first state to pass a bill that would cut off trans kids from medical care. He is a staff attorney with the The Dangerous Inversions of the Debate Around Trans Censorship. CHASE STRANGIO: If you turn to the legal system. And they have the nerve to think that there werent any transgender people at that time. Lets start with disinformation. Copyright Twitchy.com/Salem Media. I am free now. CHASE STRANGIO: I think we think of that and because of the stereotypes around masculinity and femininity, but actually in participation, it isn't true. Except claims of genital surgery are not false. Chase Strangio, a lawyer for the states, such as Arkansas, have taken steps to deprive transgender minors of the hormonal treatments necessary for their transition. CHRIS HAYES: Did you grow up in a conservative household? I mean, being 13, 15, 17 years old is not an easy time to know yourself well enough to say, The whole world is telling me I cant be this way, and I know I am this way. How powerful is that? Don't make the case for him and other ideologues that we deny his experience. Never mind his voice; not everyone gets a baritone from taking T, and female people are often trained into feminine inflections. YouTuber turned TLC star Jazz Jennings underwent her first gender confirmation surgery at 17. Chase Strangio- ACLU attorney who fashioned herself after her idol, fellow heterosexual female transitioner Dean Spade. Protecting our people from the violence of legislation and that of hate is essential work. But do go on, Chase. Great use of student loan money, there. Web1,546 views Nov 17, 2020 27 Dislike Share TransLash 1.09K subscribers Chase Strangio, the Deputy Director of Transgender Justice at the ACLU, sits down with Imara Jones as They know theyre unhappy being trans but since theyve created an entire identity that controls their lives around being trans, they cant give it up without looking like a fool. Ron DeSantis, Loser Nikki Fried suggests that you hint, hint review-bomb Ron DeSantis book, President Joe Biden again tells of the nurse who used to breathe on him, Get this broad ALL the Snickers bars! We are not yet three weeks into 2021, President-elect Joe Biden has yet to be inaugurated and already powerful forces on the right have made clear what will be the next front in their so-called culture war which is to say, their effort to maintain political power by demonizing the bodies, private lives and personal decisions of Americans theyve deemed unworthy of such autonomy. [7] After graduation, he worked as a paralegal at GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders (GLAD). Robert Houlihan (@houlihan72) May 24, 2021, There is nothing harmful about weighing costs/benefits of any significant life choice. Just a couple weeks ago, Strangio was in Little Rock, Arkansas, the city Major has called home for the last few years. 30.0k members in the TransSpace community. But Chase Strangio is not one of them. A lawyer for Manning, the ACLU's Chase Strangio, spoke with Manning on Tuesday after she was informed of the military's decision. But they did it anyway. They'll be linking him to detrans people next if he doesn't do it himself, first. Im not going to fly across the street. Chase Strangio (@chasestrangio) September 26, 2022, Just an amazing take. Chase Strangio, an attorney with the ACLU who happens to be a trans man, said that Real Sports failed to get its fact right, on Title IX Regret exists! MM: Being older, we learned what to do to get what we needed. And one of the things she read then was the theorist Judith Butler. CS: Exactly. CS: They really are a marvel. Where does OP say, or even imply that detrans people shouldn't have a say in the ethics of childhood transition? Youth in Arkansas and their families are fleeing their homes because the care they need has been banned. You are appreciated for being here. Strangio said Alabamas bill, which the state Senate passed this month, is the most extreme medical bill so far, because it would ban care for trans people up to 19 years old, and it includes felony penalties. MM: Im free now. I also think a lot of ACLU advocacy is built on shoddy declarations and medical experts that, as Europe and the UK tends to show, is falling like a house of cards. It would also prevent public funds, such as Medicaid, from being used for transition-related care. The Trans Future I Never Dreamed Of. The only reason we say that is because no one believes us when we say, "I just know who I am." They think they can make us not trans by taking away our hormones, but the care didnt used to be there and we still were trans. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. So, these bills criminalize healthcare that has been provided to trans young people for decades, including puberty blockers, which are medical interventions that really just put a pause on puberty so young people are able to affirm their gender and ultimately go through puberty consistent with who they are. LGBTQ+ activists blast, Blaire White Youtubers is trans? Serif Photoplus For Windows 10, Weve got to defend. you're never going to be able to convince people who hate you to hear you out. No one should be denied medically necessary care because of who they are. And that book actually says, "Look, biologically, there are lots of folks who are born with features that are somewhere between male and female as we sort of traditionally understand them, and the medical complex goes to work kind of actually changing their bodies so that they fit more squarely into these binary categories we have." I would give almost anything to have had access to it earlier. Chase Strangio Chase Strangio (born October 29, 1982) is an American lawyer and transgender rights activist. Leroi Moore Grave, , we learned what to do is be prepared to fight back against that miserable cusses they before. Care they need to live one bill, they would be perfectly fine if used for conditions! Laughs ] my front door to get what we needed change your comments display name, click.! Across from the article title being older, we learned what to with! He has a dedicated Wikipedia profile written all about his career he went to. 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