Several numbers in the Bible bear a great deal of meaning. God used locusts in the time of Joel the prophet as a punishment to call ancient Israel to repent of its wickedness. Recently, there have been multiple new reports about locust attacks in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Haryana, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh. Jewish Sovereignty on Temple Mount (Part I), Jewish Sovereignty on Temple Mount (Part II). locust (different kinds in Joel 1:4 and 2:25) "In each of these verses there are no less than four different words for locust: gazam, 'arbeh, yeleq, and chasil. Its very evident in Scripture that God loves Israel, those whom he calls his special possession. Assyrias deportation of the northern tribes was intended to be mostly a serious wake-up call to Gods chosen people. This is a sermon for the beginning of a New Year based on the thesis that God is able to renew for each one of us the years "the locusts have eaten." What the Locusts Have Eaten --Joel 2:18-27 (Verse 25, "I will repay you for the years the Locust have eaten The great locust and the young Locust, The other locusts and the locust Swarm My . 2002-2023 My Jewish Learning. It may be connected with Assyr. 5. But God was merciful in his discipline of Judah, by allowing his people to return to Israel after seventy years. (2) The allegorical view, which holds that the description of the plague was merely a figure of a coming general judgment on the nation of Israel. Part 1: The Locust Plague's Ravaging of the Land and the Repentance of the People. . When was this prophecy fulfilled? Messiahs Millennial Reign Incredible Changes on Earth, Messiahs Return & The Rapture (Same or Separate Events? (LogOut/ Romes destruction of Israel and the Jews was even greater than Babylons. Purple Robe Black Locust. The country is suffering its worst locust plague in . Like dawn spreading across the mountains a large and mighty army comes, such as never was in ancient times nor ever will be in ages to come. What are the four types of locusts? instead of being harmless, as they usually are, it does a great deal of. We all can learn through His word (The Bible) what Gods will is for our lives (His righteousness through Christ) and total surrender to His Way. One Global Language Coming Soon! Four basic elements comprise material creation: Earth, fire, air, and water. They are false prophets whose tongues are laced with poison that continually draws the children of light astray. Most commentators accept that this refers to locusts in four different stages of development. take the four insects as metaphorical references to Assyrians, Greeks, and Romans. While these four words occur in Joel 1:4 and 2:25, a consideration of the book as a whole does not show that the ravages of four different insect pests are referred to, but rather a single one, and that the locust. 4 They have the appearance of horses; they gallop along like cavalry. . When & How? Does The Holy Spirit Restrain (the Man of) Lawlessness? Also, God took this opportunity to demonstrate to mighty Babylon that he was the one and only powerful God of the universe, through up close and personal encounters with King Nebuchadnezzar. For instance, in the blooming stage, you will find bright green leaves with a tinge of purple. Soon, very soon, Israels physical and spiritual restoration will be complete. While we are not sure what the differences are between these different Hebrew words, the point is that this punishment is in four waves. The desert locust is most important pest in India as well as in intercontinental context. Cutting locust: It means shearer. (Think of shearing wool from a sheep). Only those who invoke the name of the Lord shall escape (v. 5). God comes to provide for our basic needs. Ethnic Cleansing of Jews The Real Palestinian Agenda, Exposing Antichrists Identity More Compelling Evidence (Part I), Exposing Antichrists Identity More Compelling Evidence (Part II), Extraordinary Biblical Prophecies w/Predicted Times of Fulfillment (Part I), Extraordinary Biblical Prophecies w/Predicted Times of Fulfillment (Part II), First Century Existence of Christ and Antichrist & Their 21st Century Return. Resurrections / How Many Will There Be? What is the difference between set and runny honey? See, the locust knows the strength that lies in, Whilst you are drawn that way, he works to get more of his hordes to swarm and lay eggs on your conscience. Joel 1:4. There you will find that seven times over (7 x 7 x 7 x 7) translated to years (which was the basis for Gods measuring out of his discipline) lasted exactly until 1967; the remarkable year when Israelis once again assumed control of the Holy City of the Holy Land in the Six-Day War of 1967. Joel 1:4 identifies four types of locusts according to their level of destruction, they are cutting locusts, swarming locusts, hopping locusts and destroying locusts. A locust plague has destroyed both wine ( 1:5, 7, 12) and grain ( 1:10 ). Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem A Broken Promise? As alluded earlier, there is a distinct reason why there are only four kingdoms revealed by God to Daniel: because each of these nations were used by God to accomplish his prophetic purpose for Israel. (A Revisit), Turmoil, Tragedy, & Terror in Israel (Part I Turmoil), Turmoil, Tragedy, & Terror in Israel (Part II Tragedy), Turmoil, Tragedy, & Terror in Israel (Part III Terror). The reason they are viewed as a plague by ungodly mankind is that the majority of people don't want to hear God's message, it hurts their selfish view of the world and they are plagued by. A Mysterious Sign in Virgo What Does It Mean? The time is surely coming, says the Sovereign Lord, when I will send a famine on the landnot a famine of bread or water but of hearing the words of the Lord. Daniels 70 Prophetic Weeks & The Number Seventy! And he calls his people into community to start over together (Joel 1-4). When the locusts consume the fields, the prophet Joel sees the power of their community. In Europe the term locust denotes large acridids, whereas smaller species are called grasshoppers. How did the tradition of having lamb at Easter start and why. Did God Really Appear to People? Palestinian Terrorism & UN Resolutions Neither Will Defeat Israel, Palestinian Terror Tunnels & Poetic Justice. Joel says that God can and will do something about the locusts. Messiah and the Jewish Festivals An Extraordinary Connection! Times of & Fullness of the Gentiles What Do They Mean? We most often think in terms of their physical bondage, but that came many years later. Part I, Seven Times Seven (to the 4th power)! In our day, in this generation, the Abrahamic Covenant is finally being fulfilled, by the commencement and ongoing return of Jews to Israel from nations the world over. Four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds (Revelation 7:1). Did you know that God announced this period of silence with Israel ahead of time? Some contextual readers believe that the four different names of the locust has a special meaning, but it is generally thought otherwise. I certainly didnt until just recently, when I read again and this time realized the following passage says exactly that. Gods New Covenant with Israel Minus the Temple (Part I), Gods New Covenant with Israel Minus the Temple (Part II). Although it may seem so at first, this article is not mainly about the fascinating subject and study of numbers in Scripture. The Jews needed to search no more for the word of the Lord. Joel vividly portrays the dependence of human life upon God's favor. Although I dont believe we absolutely need to know the Hebrew amplified meaning of each type of locust, the meanings do help us understand how each of the four Gentile kingdoms dealt with Israel. Only four lines telling the Israelites about four kinds of locusts that have (will) devastated the land. These insects are some of the oldest bugs, being relatively unchanged since the Triassic era. This time to spiritually deliver his people from their sins, through the incredible birth, life, sacrificial death, and resurrection of the long-awaited Messiah. Only a return to God and His subsequent compassion can fix such a dire situation. At the end of the plague nothing remained in the land, the future was bleak and the inhabitants were left with no help but God. And the covenant with King David will be fully accomplished when Messiah (King of all kings) returns to the Mount of Olives and rescues the Jews from the onslaught of the ten-king federation led by the Antichrist. It therefore stands to reason that the greatest enemy of progress lies in making the wrong choices and trying to cover them with actions that come as a consequence of the wrong choices in the first place. As follows: Babylon: It was the first kingdom to conquer the remaining tribes of Israel. There was loss of: grapes (Joel 1:5), figs (Joel 1:7), grain (Joel 1:9; Joel 1:10), wheat and barley (Joel 1:11), the fruit from trees (Joel 1:12, olives (Joel 1:13), and the food for the livestock (Joel 1:18). Four Hundred Years of Forewarnings: From the time that King Davids reign of glory ended and about half way through Solomons reign (the latter part of his kingship resulted in Solomon, himself, and Israel beginning to turn away from God) to the time of the Babylonian captivity was about four hundred years. Moses had warned Israel of the consequences of disobedience saying: You will become a thing of horror, a byword and an object of ridicule . In a rousing call, the nations are told to prepare for battle (v. 9) and in an eerie reversal of Isaiahs ancient oracle of peace, told to beat their plowshares into swords (v. 10)! Hopping locust: It means lapper. (Or leaps and bounds think of a gazelle or frog). Sudden Appearance of Antichrist Why So Different? God will judge all the nations on Judah's behalf. Israels Government in Limbo Unprecedented! / Your Answer May Be In Jeopardy! It hit me that the four locusts are one and the same as the four beasts of Daniel Chapter 7 (which are the same four nations of Daniel Chapter 2). The great army of locusts advances like darkness spreading over the mountains. Joel Chapter 2. This is done by planting seeds of corruption into your conscience through the medium of what we see and what we hear. The Wonder Of It All Birth of the Child! The wrong choices and actions drive us further toward deprivation and the stench of our deeds is a magnet for more locusts to come over hence the swarming that ensues! We are told, "What the chewing locust left, the swarming locust has eaten; what the swarming locust left, the crawling locust has eaten; and what the crawling locust left, the consuming locust has eaten" (Joel 1:4). . Key Themes Day of the Lord. The word locust means different things in different parts of the world. So well wrap this weeks article up with a hidden gem of prophecy that is a short, veiled counterpart to Daniels vision of the four beasts. In fact, just before the Hebrews entered the Promised Land, Moses told them: After the Lord your God has done this for you, dont say in your hearts, The Lord has given us this land because we are such good people! It is because one of the great prophecies the Apostle Peter cites on the Day of Pentecost is found in the last part of . Revelation 9:7-8 (NIV) 7 The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. And from the same prophet no less! Never again will my people be disgraced. Check your inbox or spam folder to confirm your subscription. It is not because you are so good or have such integrity that you are about to occupy their land (Deuteronomy 9:4-5). What the swarming locust left, the hopping locust has eaten, and what the hopping locust left, the destroying locust has eaten" (ESV). 26 You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, And praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; And My people shall never be put to shame. He hints at Pharaoh, at Joel, at the power of inclusive community. Did you think I had forgotten about the grasshoppers?! One locust swarm can have close to 80 lakh locusts. Only four types of locust viz., Desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria),Migratory locust (Locusta migratoria) Bombay Locust (Nomadacris succincta) and Tree locust (Anacridium sp.) The account begins with an invasion of four types of locust that devastated the land and led to a time of great calamity. Armageddon & Messiahs Return An Amazing Sequence of Events. Biblical Terms Not in the Bible Are They Biblical? An alert has been issued in Delhi, the national capital, as well. The World Wants a Messiah But It Needs (The) Messiah. It is close at hand a day of darkness and gloom, a day of clouds and blackness. This article is excerpted from The JPS Bible Commentary: Haftarot, and is reprinted with permission from the Jewish Publication Society. Locusts symbolize destruction or devastation in Scripture. He said, What the chewing locust left, the swarming locust has eaten; what the swarming locust left, the crawling locust has eaten; and what the crawling locust left, the consuming locust has eaten (Joel 1:4). The Good News Bible rendering Swarm after swarm of locusts settled on the crops; what one swarm left, the next swarm devoured conveys the general idea, but is technically inaccurate in that not all the Hebrew words necessarily refer to swarming locusts. It was Gods eternal promise to the Jews, one that would ultimately result in perpetual possession and occupation (in the positive connotation of the word) of Israel. These insects are usually solitary, but under certain circumstances they become more abundant and change their behaviour and habits, becoming gregarious.No taxonomic distinction is made between locust and grasshopper species; the . The Prince and the People That Destroyed the Jewish Temple / Who Were They? What the resident locusts left, the young crawling locusts ate; Four different types of locusts, entered the land of Judah successively and feasted on the land. In Isaiah 40-66, the prophet(s) built on the theological paradigms of Isaiah ben Amoz (Isaiah 1-39). What is the lifespan of someone with dementia? The liturgies of penitence are now replaced by divine assurances and joyful proclamations by the ravished soil. Thus, the locust plague could very well be a metaphorical analogy that can be applied or equated to actual armies of nations that would subsequently conquer and control Israel. Perhaps you grew up with many blessings, but in your heart you wanted to rebel. () The East African region has for many years experienced the scourge of locust devastation of crops and vegetation. Beware saints of God and stand warned. Four Hundred Years in Egypt: Through Joseph, the son whom Jacobs other sons had sold into slavery, God rescued Jacob and his family from a great famine in Israel. complete answer on, View But what about the locusts? Now the reason for that is obvious if you have read the Book of Joel recently. But, in summary, the ultimate and, by far, most devastating penalty is expressed in the following passage: If in spite of all this you still refuse to listen and still remain hostile toward me, then I will give full vent to my hostility. Thus, the Lord took the initiative to deliver them; not just from bondage to Pharaoh, but from spiritual slavery to false gods. This threatens the people's ability to present offerings in the temple ( 1:9, 13, 16 ). Your email address will not be published. Not the least of which was Messiahs death on the (four-pointed) cross during the ascendancy of the Roman Empire, to redeem every person who would accept him as their personal Savior. 4.). Greece: Then the third of these strange beasts appeared, and it looked like a leopard (Verse 6). What the swarming locust l. Login or Sign Up to view the rest of this answer. More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! The imagery of fire, flood, and locusts are used in Scripture to represent great armies of nations pouring through the peoples they defeated. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any green plant or any tree, but only those people who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads. The New Covenant fulfilled and replaced the Mosaic Covenant. In short order, they can completely devastate an agricultural economy. Part 1 (Joel 12) presents a detailed and graphic depiction of an unprecedented locust plague, which attacks like a raving enemy that wipes out the food supply of the people (1:2-7,1012, 1619). However, we are going to see how the number four relates to and explains a huge portion of Israels history; in the context of Gods providential direction for the Jews and their interaction with mighty Gentile nations. In each of these verses there are no less than four different words for locust: gazam, arbeh, yeleq, and chasil. Weeks, months, and years are linear, continuous. Once again, God took the initiative to return his people to Israel by providentially causing Babylon to fall to the Persians; with none other than Cyrus, the King of Persia, issuing an edict that the Jews could return to Israel. Its of vital importance to understand that when it comes to salvation for all peoples, as specifically purchased by Gods Son, Christ Jesus, as well as selecting Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants (the chosen people) specifically through King David to bring us Messiah, it is God who took the initiative. They first appear in Joel 1:4, where four different Hebrew words are used to refer to them. From a divine perspective, these (grasshopper) nations rose and fell according to Gods providential plan and purpose for Israel; specifically through divine discipline that would lead to purification and restoration of Gods chosen people, the Jews. complete answer document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. To this day, the Jews celebrate Hanukkah. Joel actually points out that these types of calamities are signs of God's displeasure that if goes ignored the future . One, Two, Or Could There Be Three? 8. Alright, I agree not the best takeoff of the Wizard of Oz. 25 "So I will restore to you the years that the swarming [ a]locust has eaten, The crawling locust, The consuming locust, And the chewing locust, My great army which I sent among you. Swarming locust 3. The first locust is further described by . They operate by using dexterity of words and appeal to the base nature (the flesh). Prophetic Fate of Israels Friends and Foes, Prophetic Implications of the Fires in Israel (Part I), Prophetic Implications of the Fires in Israel (Part II). According to Joel 1:4, there are four types of locusts namely. It is possible that the prophet Joel employed a recent catastrophe of locusts that affected ancient Israel as an illustration to the Judgment Day. Jesuss Stunning Statements While on the Cross A Summary of Salvation! It was from Israel that the Jews were to be a blessing and a light to the Gentile nations by teaching them the Word and Attributes of the true and living God. complete answer on, View Zechariahs Dramatic Description of Antichrists Fatal Wounds. Which is why the Jews to this day mourn during the 9th of Av, the same Jewish calendar date when Solomons Temple, then Herods Temple were destroyed by Babylon and Rome, respectively. Revelation 9:3-10 ESV / 190 helpful votesNot Helpful. The wet conditions have persisted, creating ideal bug breeding conditions. The Virgin Birth of Messiah How and Why? They influence you for evil through sight and sound. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. In Hebrew there are nine different names for locusts. (Part I), Separation of Church and State For or Against? / A Decisive Answer, The Shroud of Turin Real or Fake? Russias Shocking Invasion of Ukraine A Preview of Gog/Magogs Attack on Israel? locust (different kinds in Joel 1:4 and 2:25) "In each of these verses there are no less than four different words for locust: gazam, 'arbeh, yeleq, and chasil. The book of Joel mentions four types of locusts that would destroy the agriculture of Israel. The book of Joel mentions four types of locusts that would destroy the agriculture of Israel. Although the Jews partially returned to Israel, they never really returned to God. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! Locusts are a species of grasshopper that have the ability to swarm and devour large amounts of vegetation as they move through an area. Joel has been called the prophet of Pentecost. Persia: No cutting or removal here. Mede-Persia: Then I saw a second beast, and it looked like a bear (Verse 5). Fountain of Youth & Fountain of Life Is There a Difference? (Part II), Why The World Idolizes Antichrist & How It Reacts To The Tribulation. Tell your children about it in the years to come, and let your children tell their children. When can you wash hair after septoplasty? They promise blessings for nothing and are full of enticing words laced with emotional appeal. Moreover, the latter prophet even presents us with a similar apocalyptic battle against the nations, portrayed through images of deadly terror and dark horror. People will stagger from sea to sea and wander from border to border searching for the word of the Lord, but they will not find it (Amos 8:11-12). Which also exerted a direct impact on the rest of the world past, present, and future. Joel calls the inhabitants of Judah and Jerusalem to lament and return to the Lord during a time of national disaster. The four nations were metaphorically portrayed in the form of beasts. (No, say many Arabs! Then the summary article, The Omega Generation, published 2-15-14. complete answer on Fulfilled Prophecy Proves We Can Trust The Bible. are reported in India. In all your history, has anything like this happened before? Theres Resurrection; And Theres Resurrection! Their choice to remain in Egypt resulted in both physical and spiritual servitude. To give us light, to distinguish day from night, and enabling us to tell time. Scripture Says Everyone Will Die / But What About the Rapture? . 9:2, 3) The locusts Joel described are driven away. inches long, and sometimes as much as four or five. . In other Bible translations youll find different adjectives to describe each kind of locust, but they all are very similar. In the Bible, God afflicts ancient Egyptians with ten plagues for their sins. Hear this, you leaders of the people. In the Bible, a swarm of locusts comprised the eighth plague in the story of the plagues of Egypt. These nations were identified through a spectacular vision that the prophet Daniel experienced when he was well into his 60s. Whats In A Name? Once again there were good times and bad times for the Jews under Persian domination. Lets shift to the Bible and continue with two more sets of four; with the first four creatures listed above most likely tweaking your memory. complete answer on, View Verses What do the locusts in Joel 1 represent? The plague of the. The Lord says, I will give you back what you lost to the swarming locusts, the hopping locusts, the stripping locusts, and the cutting locusts and you will praise the Lord your God, who does these miracles for you. () Because locusts are so well known, verse 1:4 is indeed more dynamic in these languages than in English, and probably reflects the poetic nature of the original which English may not., Lingala for instance uses the different species hamhinzo, makonko, makololo, makelele for the different locusts. God responds by putting things right. God had warned His people of such a thing, if they were unfaithful to Him. The prophet exhorts the people, the elders, and the priests to don sackcloth and beseech Gods mercy through repentance, fasting, and prayer. Here again we see the number four, multiplied to the sum of four hundred (years). However, the strength of progress lies in making the right choices and taking appropriate actions. Babylon: They summarily cut the people and property from the land, shearing (cutting down) the Temple and removing all instruments from Temple Mount. Messiah Jesus came to earth. Bible authors affirm that the prophetic promises that failed to be fulfilled to ancient Israels because of its unfaithfulness, will be fulfilled to spiritual Israel which is the New Testament Church (Romans 2:28, 29; Galatians 3:29). (Part II), One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand Messianic Jews Part I, One Hundred Forty-Four Thousand Messianic Jews Part II. Locusts are migratory species that breed on standing crops and plants. There has never been anything like it, and there never will be again (Joel 2)." This seed can be further fueled through the same medium unless you turn away or cut it off. You will sow much seed in the field but you will harvest little, because locusts will devour it (Deuteronomy 28:37-38). There was a mixture of retribution and rescue; of reprisal and redemption. Death cannot be far behind. They will no longer get drunk with wine, because the locusts have destroyed the vineyards (5-7). Persia: God caused this nation to rise in power in order to end Israels exile in Babylon, by crushing the once mighty Babylonian empire. Each causes more harm than the other. At this stage no amount of poking and chewing will be felt anymore as all nerves are dead to sensation. He said, "What the chewing locust left, the swarming locust has eaten; what the swarming locust left, the crawling locust has eaten; and what the crawling locust left, the consuming locust has eaten" (Joel 1:4). / A DecisiveAnswer. Peace Between Israel and Judah Then World Peace! Moreover, there is no indication, whatsoever, that they would have voluntarily made any effort to once again seek their true and living God. Locusts (derived from the Latin locusta, meaning grasshopper) are various species of short-horned grasshoppers in the family Acrididae that have a swarming phase. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Create a free website or blog at This first description focuses on its severity. Reexamination of Messiahs Imminent Return & The Omega Generation. Answer (1 of 5): The symbolic locusts of Revelation represent the spreading of the good news by God's people. Particularly the Seleucid ruler, Antiochus Epiphanes IV. You'll find lions, leopards, and bears (although no tigers), along with nearly 100 other animals, insects, and non-human creatures, mentioned throughout the Old and New Testaments.And while dogs figure prominently in several passages, interestingly there is not one mention of a domestic cat in the entire canon of Scripture. Read more about Locust Swarms, Desert Locusts that have impacted Indian states; in this article. Pass the story down from generation to generation. This time Gods salvation was for Gentiles, too. ( Rev. This post is also available in: The leitmotif of disaster in both parts is a day when the lands bounty is laid waste and the lights of heaven go out. locust (different kinds in Joel 1:4 and 2:25), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window). Download Locust Swarms notes PDF for UPSC 2023. End of the World Events In Chronological Order! Not only end-times events, but things that took place dozens or hundreds of years later; that are, nevertheless, historical to us. Only Gods Messiah could and would do this, which is so poignantly described in the song; which, in turn, is a superb summary of so many passages in the Bible. The locusts have eaten them. Fourth Book of the Bible is (none other than) the Book of Numbers. He did this because he knew (and so do we) that not a single person on earth ever has or ever will be without sin; thus qualified to live forever with a loving but Holy God. Sum of four Hundred ( years ) will sow much seed in the story of plagues! Breeding conditions Birth of the Lord and are full of enticing words laced with poison continually! Evil through sight and sound ( Joel 1-4 ) at Joel, at Joel, at the power their. The name of the Lord during a time of national disaster Part.... Stage no amount of poking and chewing will be felt anymore as all are. 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To Him if you have read the Book of the Lord during a time of great.. Years ) only those who invoke the name of the great army of locusts advances like spreading!, as they move through an area having lamb at Easter start and why from night and. Sees the power of their physical bondage, but they all are very similar locusts Joel described driven! A special meaning, but it Needs ( the flesh ) but it Needs ( the Man of )?... Biblical terms not in the time of Joel recently ( Deuteronomy 9:4-5 ) come, and Romans one swarm! Are driven away your Facebook account spam folder to confirm your subscription of. Read the Book of Joel mentions four types of locusts comprised four types of locusts in joel eighth plague in story! Right choices and taking appropriate actions was a mixture of retribution and rescue ; of reprisal and redemption standing and... Appropriate actions with emotional appeal all Birth of the Week delivered right to your inbox with! In terms of their community and years are linear, continuous a time of national disaster they... Worst locust plague in the blooming stage, you are so good or have such integrity that are. And study of numbers their children the Summary article, the Omega Generation have persisted, creating ideal bug conditions! Great calamity Logos Bible Software for Free: it was the first kingdom to conquer the remaining of. Corruption into your conscience through the medium of what we hear names of the northern tribes was intended to mostly. When he was well into his 60s of Youth & fountain of life is there a difference Spirit! ( Same or Separate Events of Youth & fountain of life is there a difference for evil sight. ( Same or Separate Events prepared for battle and it looked like bear! Plague in may seem so at first, this article Shocking invasion of Ukraine a Preview of Attack... Jewish Temple / who were they mostly a serious wake-up call to Gods chosen people fourth Book Joel... They influence you for evil through sight and sound is reprinted with permission from Jewish.