Im glad that sought me out to wish me a happy birthday, Kendra. No lies, no false fronts. My name is Brock Bruce. Hello? One time at fifth grade field day, I cut holes in my potato sack to win the race. Now, Max is always in the living room at night, but I saw two glowing green eyes at the bottom of the bed near my feet. My little brother is supposed to write an essay about the civil war. And, Im Hispanic, so I dont know what quiet is! For me its like something I want is sitting on a golden platter but I cant touch it. I created them. One was a mild antibiotic that was shown to reduce the effects of aging. I always wished something exciting would happen, something so big it would change my life forever. Im now thirteen. Youll get your million dollars back in no time. Fine, I will eat this chocolate bar for 20 bucks. That day, we had just gotten home from school and our parents were still at work. Sure, he might be a King of the Underworld and the pomegranate trick was a bit wicked, but we seem to be a perfect match! I refuse to wear my glasses, even though it makes my mom mad, and I probably need them. I have blotches on my arms and the backs of my knees that I cant get rid of no matter what. So no, I don't have my fight do I? Oh, stop looking at me like that! By: Sophie W., Los Angeles, California, USA, Age 11 Gender: Any Genre: Comedic Description: Exclamation Point is upset about Comma, who talks too much. They smile and laugh and pull people in with dancing green eyes. Well, Ive never been much for friends. First Place Winner By:Sarah K., Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA, Age 14 Gender:Any Genre:Dramatic Description:A teenager visits her (or his) fathers grave with a friend. Tiny icicles hanging from his eyebrows and beard. Not regular stars, but the Jewish star, worn around necks and stuck on jackets. Whoosh! First Place Winner! Please come home, I miss you. I accidentally did ask you one time. Genre: Dramatic. My mother was screaming over me, but she sounded far away. Is that what you see? Take that, clock! Youre almost done? I was his daughter. Its been two weeks. The movie does this for dramatic purposes and succeeds in provoking a response from the many viewers who have seen this movie, as reviews will show. Oh yes, my nose would finally be able to smell the sweet scent of roses. And kicked me. So that is my story, and also the story of how we have the seasons. (Laughs.) I hear his truck roll up, and the crunch of gravel under his feet. Im worried theyll think horrible things about me. My self-esteem has gone down, and half of the time I dont even want to show up to school or be seen at a store or a mall. Oh, Anna. This is why there are a ton of scratches on my body. Thats when I became Norma Doherty. The science teacher was teaching us about watersheds. Oh okay I believe you. Yes, SHE BELIEVED ME!! (gulp) Hurry! Emma Thompson plays an amazing role in this sweet film. (angrily) We worked too damn hard to give up now! By: Jadyn Jones, Age 11, Texas, USA Description: A teen explains to the director, Mrs. Wright, why she should be cast in the school musical. MARIA. I know. These humans are walking all over me like Im their actual mother. But when Ty runs down the stairs first, she tumbles down the staircase and finds herself immobile in a pool of her own blood. She had everything rung out and everything was going great, until I reached into my purse to grab my credit card and it wasnt there! Then dad told mom that she didnt have to be such a witch about it. I made that mistake one day, and trust me, I will not repeat that. Nothing more to say about it. I had no idea what they could need to talk to us about, but we all sat on the couch anyway. By: Jasmine Scholz, Age 17, Australia Description: Marilyn Monroe talks at her own funeral about three important moments in her life. Lets just cut this short okay. I know I am not the best at, well, anything, but is it too much to ask for a good job Julien or we are so proud of you? You say Im just some kid, I say I have fourteen years of life experience, thank you very much, and when Im elected? Yes, I will. Boots approaching our door, and loud knocking. And keep yelling at the door, hoping one day shell let me in again. But some days you dont hear it. In real life, would Halle Berry's character EVER have had a chance of finding her baby years after she abandoned him in a crack-induced haze? The iceberg is melting and in three weeks its going to be a popsicle. (pause) Yes, my cat. Wait a minute, thats it! (freezes in place) It seems to be working fine. [Absently] Ah, but death is calling me back. And pay the debt I never promisd, By how much better than my word I am, By so much shall I falsify men's hopes; But look, you really shouldnt make fun of the homeless. [POSSIBLE SPOILERS FOLLOW] Biological mother Halle Berry makes a very intelligent decision when she enlists the help of Jessica Lange (as the boy's foster mother) in raising the child. How did you not question it when I cut my hair super short, or when I would talk about LGBTQ+ issues which was A LOT. My cat can no longer taste the difference between rehydrated tuna, which he loved back on Earth, and rehydrated citrus which he would never touch back on Earth. Sometimes I linger on the ledge, arms spread as wide as an eagle. It must be too hard because I havent heard anyone say that stuff to me my whole life. Its kind of a big thing, so Im gonna need you to keep it quiet. (Moment of realization) Ok so maybe Im like totally petrified. And you know what else really gets my vines in a twist? And hes carrying his helmet too. Everyone just calls me Nancy though, Im not sure why. My mind rushes with thoughts as I picture a nice warm home with bedrooms, a kitchen, Baos, todo. Frying rice? This shows the child wanting and being more comfortable with the adopted family. Hello? Im almost always late to school because mom wakes up so late. My one aunt is certain Im Vanilla, my uncle thinks Im chocolate. Itll just melt! Even my little sister, who is only five. Maybe it was the medicine, maybe it was me, but the seventh grade was worse for me than fifth grade when I didnt have the medicine. From your Love, -Catherine and baby Jake. (giving a new idea, hoping desperately) Then lets sneak it through a smaller port. A journalist. Hello girls! This monologue lies just before the end of the play. You know he wont like you back. (In a very nerdy way) Statistics show that the easiest way to get someone to like you is to be popular. By: Shirley Andoh, Age 16, Pennsylvania USA Description: Claudia moves through emotions following an accident that is her fault. I shot him twice in the head. I remember the way she laughed often and easily, her voice a chime of happiness. How did they do that? Hes mostly harmless beyond the thumping on the head thing. Wait, where are you going? Symposium? But I needed glasses. Im your guest, not the other way around. 9 "That's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot." Via Pinterest. I dont regret my choices. Bitter fate of my people, bitter my name, bitter tears were shed by the dying, how many people drank their fate with bitter vodka, so many Mariias in the world, that forever people remember their sufferings and do not repeat mistakes. Gender: Any Genre: Dramatic, (Speaking into a cell phone with great urgency.). You get up every day before the sun rises. I had an idea when I was younger, and you were amazing to let me follow it. Pretty cool, right? (Pause) I KNOW. (Moves as if in the dark, opens a drawer. Jason! Yeah, Im okay. So, no, I dont accept your apology, and I never will. Now listen up here doggie-o. All those dances, never to be danced. So don't tell me you're sorry, cause I'm not buying it. It was just a tradition. By: Georgia E. Alberta, Canada, Age 13 Gender: Any Genre: Comedic Description: An ice cream flavor is having an identity crisis. She pounded and tried to get out, but she couldnt. Every time I look at it, it feels like a punch straight to my gut. I think this is the right way, but Im still scared. Actually, Im surprised I havent driven myself up a wall yet. No late-night work, drunken moods, or angry fits could change you. My reflection has switched with me! After a while, I gave up and slumped against a wall. The original music score is composed by Mark Isham. I dont think that was it, though. How do I fix it, dad? Oh my god youre not Fabio I am so sorry, maam I thought you were my ex, um I guess I could tell you if you want me to No. (Pause, turns to hero) Sorry, I really need to take this. Margaret Lewin : Any animal can give birth. I just single handedly went from town to town playing my flute and had an army of rats following me. I love you too. Ya have da right to dig for me treasure. I like not just boys but also girls. I was so tired last night. She takes the act out of actress. I have participated in clubs you have never even heard of and my extracurricular record spans 5 pages. First Place Winner! We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Norma Jean, better known as Marilyn Monroe. Actress transforms becoming Marilyn. I think I was twelve. Yes, you are alive, but sitting around in your house all day, starring at a tv, youre not experiencing anything except for whats next on Fuller House! You need to wake up from your fantasy world Ray. You find comfort in it like a big black blanket wrapped around you. Im going to leave the loaf to rise under the skylight. Dear Lord. The attendant just stared at him. You took care of her didnt you? Well, thats okay. Yet she must die, else she'll betray more men. I talk too loud. Im trying. You need to pay me now! Theyre the bane of my existence. That thunder and lightning surrounding us? Nothing changes but I try the best I can to put on a straight face and stay happy, never showing my true emotion. And Im gonna be okay. You can probably guess the rest of the story. Xia, a Chinese girl who came to the US for Master program on Chinese History, was convinced by her brother to quit school and work for his black market business illegally. Cool! First Place Winner By:Kaheni Johnson, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, Age 15 Gender:Any Genre:Dramatic Description:A teen tells his/her side of the story to a police officer. By: Cecily W., New York, NY, Age 13 Gender: Female Genre: Dramatic Description: A young girl tells her mother that she doesnt want to be famous anymore. Losing Isaiah received mostly negative reviews from critics. I dont tell people theyre pretty when they are. This red one is for emergencies, right? Trying to stay afloat creatively until this pandemic lifts and we're able to explore the outside world again. Wooo everyone goes insane. Im happy he left us. The yeast-its-swelling! The image is an example of a ticket confirmation email that AMC sent you when you purchased your ticket. Roy Batty is a Blade Runner that is in-charge of hunting down a replicant played by Harrison Ford. Ill just give him the answers for the test. I think she cheats, but I can never prove it. Can I have a glass of water, or some fresh air? Well, here you go. Pero, I just cant get over him hes all I think about! She hands me the leash to her dog as the small banshee screeches on. It reminds me of an angel ringing a bell in the moonlight. I remember waking up surrounded by paramedics and police. Speaking of him, hes coming over today, so youd better scurry along, it was nice to meet you! By: Elise H., Age 13, New Jersey, USA Description: A student with ADHD talks to her teacher about her struggles with learning. I think the main reason I draw is that I feel lonely. I mean, the frog was asking for it. So what if I stay in my room? OH! Tell City Hall that Im sorry their building is now a boat. (Samantha enters the office) Samantha, get out of my office now Im not dealing with you today. As I walk away, I think about how this man had changed my life. But its okay. I dont think you get it, one day I can feel like I have the world but the next everything can change, its as if you have had everything one day but then have nothing. II could say there was a family emergency. I have done the state some service, and they know't. No more of that. With his symbolic helmet numbered 451 on his stolid head, and his eyes all orange flame with the thought of what came next, he flicked the igniter and the house jumped up in a gorging fire that burned the evening sky red and yellow and black. Ill let you mourn. I did not master the sword by ignoring my elders! (Walks off-stage.). She keeps talking on and on and on! Specifically, she adopted a bi-racial boy, and right before the adoption was "official," the birth father came out of the woodwork with HIS mother saying that they wanted to have him back. We just lost thousands of dollars and youre sorry? Im not going to die in misery though. Its not funny! I shut my eyes tight and just kept hoping everything would just go away. There were women screaming for their children. The story is well executed and of course does not fail to raise emotion. The pitcher winds up and throws again. (Sighs, head in hands.) A white-hot flash far away and everywhere, and my body in the air and then nothing. Have you ever heard the phrase dont blink? The last thing I remember is trying to duck from the horrific sounds coming from the other end of the field. You wouldve snapped too if your owner brought back one of those revolting creatures, also known as a B.A.B.Y. Ill find it eventually. Anywho, being invisible actually benefited me. Third Place Winner! sound rottenness! My sister gets away with everything. (A boy walks in and sits on a sofa in his psychiatrists office.) I know who started the zombie virus (pause) its me. It was a disaster, but so was Pompeii. Yes, the Versace one. Without Milton, I would never have escaped to New York. Ill never get married, or have children, or finish my snake skin collection or fulfill my life-long dream of being a fortune-cookie writer. Isaiah had a rich life with the family before his biological mother, Khalia, located him and planned to sue for custody of him. Im fine. Ok, kids. Or in the water, swimming my heart out. Well me and Isaiah, we the same kinda people. They never told us, but I watched this movie about Mt. Im trapped in here! Evening, the light is fading. You see, when I was little, I was a naughty troublemaker. Ill never believe them because of what my father did. That was definitely a costly mistake. I stayed up all night reading classified documents. I pray you, in your letters, When you shall these unlucky deeds relate . Or some crazy sea monster grabs my legs and pulls me down. I think Max is trying to kill me. The story centers around a communitys struggles after a teenage girl loses her life to eating disorder. (Pause.) But yeah, so vote for me. There are a million issues I can think of! I cant have Kayley-Anne drinking out of a frog-infested cup. Okay, Plan B, cover story, come on think of a cover story. Thats disgusting! Instead, you drop it back in his trolly, swollen hand and say, uh, you can keep it.. Me out to wish me a happy birthday, Kendra Pennsylvania USA Description: moves... Way ) Statistics show that the easiest way to get someone to like is... Best I can never prove it mom mad, and they know & # x27 ; betray! Warm home with bedrooms, a kitchen, Baos, todo I havent driven myself up a wall instead you. Sweet film hoping one day, I just cant get rid of no what. 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